La base del ejercicio es la API Native Wifi Functions. En delphi 7 habrá que definir unas cuantas estructuras tomadas de la documentación de M$ y adaptadas para simplificar las cosas, no se si en las últimas versiones de delphi están incluidas estas definiciones.
El programita hace una lista de las redes disponibles escaneando los adaptadores wifi presentes en el PC, luego, conociendo el nombre de la Wifi a conectarnos, nos conecta. He incluido una desconexión rápida de todos los adaptadores.
El corazón del código es este:
type TWifiData = record InterfaceInfo: String; Profile: String; SSID: String; Signal: integer; Auth: String; Conected: BOOL; end; function WifiScan(var List: array of TWifiData): integer; const AuthStr: array [1..9]of String = ('Open','Shared Key','WPA','WPA-PSK','WPA NONE','RSNA','RSNA-PSK','IHV Start','IHV End'); var hClient: THandle; dwVersion: DWORD; pInterfaceInfoList: PWLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST; pInterfaceGuid: PGUID; pNetworkList: PWLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_LIST; i, j: integer; begin Result:= 0; if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanOpenHandle(1, nil, @dwVersion, @hClient) then begin if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanEnumInterfaces(hClient, nil, @pInterfaceInfoList) then begin for i := 0 to pInterfaceInfoList^.dwNumberOfItems - 1 do begin pInterfaceGuid:= @pInterfaceInfoList^.InterfaceInfo[pInterfaceInfoList^.dwIndex].InterfaceGuid; if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(hClient, pInterfaceGuid, 1, nil, pNetworkList) then begin for j := 0 to pNetworkList^.dwNumberOfItems - 1 do begin Result:= pNetworkList^.dwNumberOfItems; with List[j] do begin InterfaceInfo:= pInterfaceInfoList^.InterfaceInfo[0].strInterfaceDescription; Profile:= WideCharToString(pNetworkList^.Network[j].strProfileName); SSID:= PChar(@pNetworkList^.Network[j].dot11Ssid.ucSSID); Signal:= pNetworkList^.Network[j].wlanSignalQuality; Auth:= AuthStr[pNetworkList^.Network[j].dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm]; Conected:= (pNetworkList^.Network[j].dwFlags and WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_CONNECTED) <> 0; end; end; WlanFreeMemory(pNetworkList); end; end; WlanFreeMemory(pInterfaceInfoList); end; WlanCloseHandle(hClient, nil); end; end; function WifiConect(SSID: WideString): BOOL; var hClient: THandle; dwVersion: DWORD; pInterfaceInfoList: PWLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST; pInterfaceGuid: PGUID; i: integer; pWLCP: PWLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS; begin Result:= false; if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanOpenHandle(1, nil, @dwVersion, @hClient) then begin if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanEnumInterfaces(hClient, nil, @pInterfaceInfoList) then begin for i:= 0 to pInterfaceInfoList^.dwNumberOfItems - 1 do begin pInterfaceGuid:= @pInterfaceInfoList^.InterfaceInfo[pInterfaceInfoList^.dwIndex].InterfaceGuid; pWLCP:= WlanAllocateMemory(sizeof(TWLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS)); pWLCP.strProfile:= PWCHAR(SSID); pWLCP.wlanConnectionMode:= 0; pWLCP.pDot11Ssid:= nil; //pDot11_DDSI; pWLCP.pDesiredBssidList:= nil; pWLCP.dot11BssType:= 1; pWLCP.dwFlags:= 0;//$F; Result:= (ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanConnect(hClient, pInterfaceGuid, pWLCP, nil)); WlanFreeMemory(pWLCP); end; WlanFreeMemory(pInterfaceInfoList); end; WlanCloseHandle(hClient, nil); end; end; function WifiDisConect: BOOL; var hClient: THandle; dwVersion: DWORD; pInterfaceInfoList: PWLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST; pInterfaceGuid: PGUID; i: integer; begin Result:= false; if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanOpenHandle(1, nil, @dwVersion, @hClient) then begin if ERROR_SUCCESS = WlanEnumInterfaces(hClient, nil, @pInterfaceInfoList) then begin for i:= 0 to pInterfaceInfoList^.dwNumberOfItems - 1 do begin pInterfaceGuid:= @pInterfaceInfoList^.InterfaceInfo[pInterfaceInfoList^.dwIndex].InterfaceGuid; WlanDisconnect(hClient, pInterfaceGuid, nil); end; WlanFreeMemory(pInterfaceInfoList); end; WlanCloseHandle(hClient, nil); end; end;
Subo el código.
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