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Impresion en Android

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11 respuestas en este tema

#1 look


    Advanced Member

  • Miembros
  • PipPipPip
  • 418 mensajes
  • LocationLa Ceiba-Atlantida-Honduras

Escrito 07 junio 2016 - 03:01

Hola amigos, tengo una impresora , BIXOLON SPP-R200II.

Es una impresora Bluetooth para android, el fabricante provee un JDK , que es "BixolonPrinter.JAR",

con el uso de Java2OP, he logrado convertir una unit "Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.pas", que contiene las clases de esta libreria, hasta aqui todo bien

pero al tratar de instalar el project me da este error:








no se que puede estar pasando, me ayudan?

  • 0

#2 look


    Advanced Member

  • Miembros
  • PipPipPip
  • 418 mensajes
  • LocationLa Ceiba-Atlantida-Honduras

Escrito 07 junio 2016 - 03:28

aqui el pas generado: 

  1. {*******************************************************}
  2. { }
  3. { CodeGear Delphi Runtime Library }
  4. { Copyright© 2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
  5. { }
  6. {*******************************************************}
  8. unit Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces;
  10. interface
  12. uses
  13. Androidapi.JNIBridge,
  14. Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes,
  15. Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText,
  16. Androidapi.JNI.Util,
  17. Androidapi.JNI.Os,
  18. Androidapi.JNI.Net;
  20. type
  21. // ===== Forward declarations =====
  23. JUsbDevice = interface;//android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice
  24. JUsbEndpoint = interface;//android.hardware.usb.UsbEndpoint
  25. JUsbInterface = interface;//android.hardware.usb.UsbInterface
  26. JBixolonPrinter = interface;//com.bixolon.printer.BixolonPrinter
  28. // ===== Interface declarations =====
  30. JUsbDeviceClass = interface(JObjectClass)
  31. ['{23359F82-699F-48E1-B1DD-43DD18455D2D}']
  32. {class} function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator;
  33. {class} function getDeviceId(name: JString): Integer; cdecl; overload;
  34. {class} function getDeviceName(id: Integer): JString; cdecl; overload;
  35. {class} property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR;
  36. end;
  38. [JavaSignature('android/hardware/usb/UsbDevice')]
  39. JUsbDevice = interface(JObject)
  40. ['{EAD5113C-AC54-4131-BED2-46F449FFD4B7}']
  41. function describeContents: Integer; cdecl;
  42. function equals(o: JObject): Boolean; cdecl;
  43. function getDeviceClass: Integer; cdecl;
  44. function getDeviceId: Integer; cdecl; overload;
  45. function getDeviceName: JString; cdecl; overload;
  46. function getDeviceProtocol: Integer; cdecl;
  47. function getDeviceSubclass: Integer; cdecl;
  48. function getInterface(index: Integer): JUsbInterface; cdecl;
  49. function getInterfaceCount: Integer; cdecl;
  50. function getProductId: Integer; cdecl;
  51. function getVendorId: Integer; cdecl;
  52. function hashCode: Integer; cdecl;
  53. function toString: JString; cdecl;
  54. procedure writeToParcel(parcel: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl;
  55. end;
  56. TJUsbDevice = class(TJavaGenericImport<JUsbDeviceClass, JUsbDevice>) end;
  58. JUsbEndpointClass = interface(JObjectClass)
  59. ['{53DC559E-4126-4589-9CDF-681B6A461496}']
  60. {class} function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator;
  61. {class} property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR;
  62. end;
  64. [JavaSignature('android/hardware/usb/UsbEndpoint')]
  65. JUsbEndpoint = interface(JObject)
  66. ['{A9A1F612-B537-4C37-8523-1B7AEADB1D43}']
  67. function describeContents: Integer; cdecl;
  68. function getAddress: Integer; cdecl;
  69. function getAttributes: Integer; cdecl;
  70. function getDirection: Integer; cdecl;
  71. function getEndpointNumber: Integer; cdecl;
  72. function getInterval: Integer; cdecl;
  73. function getMaxPacketSize: Integer; cdecl;
  74. function getType: Integer; cdecl;
  75. function toString: JString; cdecl;
  76. procedure writeToParcel(parcel: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl;
  77. end;
  78. TJUsbEndpoint = class(TJavaGenericImport<JUsbEndpointClass, JUsbEndpoint>) end;
  80. JUsbInterfaceClass = interface(JObjectClass)
  81. ['{59313EE2-7603-4BBC-ACBC-4BC863D31B6C}']
  82. {class} function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator;
  83. {class} property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR;
  84. end;
  86. [JavaSignature('android/hardware/usb/UsbInterface')]
  87. JUsbInterface = interface(JObject)
  88. ['{026556E6-07DF-422D-AF28-BC06795B91E7}']
  89. function describeContents: Integer; cdecl;
  90. function getEndpoint(index: Integer): JUsbEndpoint; cdecl;
  91. function getEndpointCount: Integer; cdecl;
  92. function getId: Integer; cdecl;
  93. function getInterfaceClass: Integer; cdecl;
  94. function getInterfaceProtocol: Integer; cdecl;
  95. function getInterfaceSubclass: Integer; cdecl;
  96. function toString: JString; cdecl;
  97. procedure writeToParcel(parcel: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl;
  98. end;
  99. TJUsbInterface = class(TJavaGenericImport<JUsbInterfaceClass, JUsbInterface>) end;
  101. JBixolonPrinterClass = interface(JObjectClass)
  102. ['{8464A880-138A-43E0-89DB-1E3177FA3AF6}']
  103. {class} function _GetALIGNMENT_CENTER: Integer;
  104. {class} function _GetALIGNMENT_LEFT: Integer;
  105. {class} function _GetALIGNMENT_RIGHT: Integer;
  106. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_AUTO_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: Integer;
  107. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_COVER_OPEN: Integer;
  108. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_NO_PAPER: Integer;
  109. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_OFF_LINE: Integer;
  110. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_PAPER_FED: Integer;
  111. {class} function _GetAUTO_STATUS_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR: Integer;
  112. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_CODABAR: Integer;
  113. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_CODE128: Integer;
  114. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_CODE39: Integer;
  115. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_CODE93: Integer;
  116. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_EAN13: Integer;
  117. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_EAN8: Integer;
  118. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_ITF: Integer;
  119. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_UPC_A: Integer;
  120. {class} function _GetBAR_CODE_UPC_E: Integer;
  121. {class} function _GetBITMAP_WIDTH_FULL: Integer;
  122. {class} function _GetBITMAP_WIDTH_NONE: Integer;
  123. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1250_CZECH: Byte;
  124. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1251_CYRILLIC: Byte;
  125. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1252_LATIN1: Byte;
  126. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1253_GREEK: Byte;
  127. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1254_TURKISH: Byte;
  128. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1255_HEBREW_NEW_CODE: Byte;
  129. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1256_ARABIC: Byte;
  130. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1257_BALTIC: Byte;
  131. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_1258_VIETNAM: Byte;
  132. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_437_USA: Byte;
  133. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_737_GREEK: Byte;
  134. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_775_BALTIC: Byte;
  135. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_850_MULTILINGUAL: Byte;
  136. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_852_LATIN2: Byte;
  137. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_855_CYRILLIC: Byte;
  138. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_857_TURKISH: Byte;
  139. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_858_EURO: Byte;
  140. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_860_PORTUGUESE: Byte;
  141. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_862_HEBREW_DOS_CODE: Byte;
  142. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_863_CANADIAN_FRENCH: Byte;
  143. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_864_ARABIC: Byte;
  144. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_865_NORDIC: Byte;
  145. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_866_CYRILLIC2: Byte;
  146. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_928_GREEK: Byte;
  147. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_FARSI: Byte;
  148. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_KATAKANA: Byte;
  149. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_KHMER_CAMBODIA: Byte;
  150. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI11: Byte;
  151. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI14: Byte;
  152. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI16: Byte;
  153. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI18: Byte;
  154. {class} function _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI42: Byte;
  155. {class} function _GetCOLOR_BLACK: Integer;
  156. {class} function _GetCOLOR_RED: Integer;
  157. {class} function _GetD: Boolean;
  158. {class} procedure _SetD(Value: Boolean);
  159. {class} function _GetDIRECTION_0_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer;
  160. {class} function _GetDIRECTION_180_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer;
  161. {class} function _GetDIRECTION_270_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer;
  162. {class} function _GetDIRECTION_90_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer;
  163. {class} function _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_BIG5: Byte;
  164. {class} function _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_GB2312: Byte;
  165. {class} function _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_KS5601: Byte;
  166. {class} function _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_SHIFT_JIS: Byte;
  167. {class} function _GetDRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN2: Integer;
  168. {class} function _GetDRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN5: Integer;
  169. {class} function _GetEXECUTE_DIRECT_IO: JString;
  170. {class} function _GetHRI_CHARACTERS_ABOVE_AND_BELOW_BAR_CODE: Integer;
  171. {class} function _GetHRI_CHARACTERS_ABOVE_BAR_CODE: Integer;
  172. {class} function _GetHRI_CHARACTERS_BELOW_BAR_CODE: Integer;
  173. {class} function _GetHRI_CHARACTER_NOT_PRINTED: Integer;
  174. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_CODE_PAGE: JString;
  175. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_DEVICE_NAME: JString;
  176. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_DIRECT_IO: JString;
  177. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_MONO_PIXELS: JString;
  178. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK1: JString;
  179. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK2: JString;
  180. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK3: JString;
  181. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_PRINTER_ID: JString;
  182. {class} function _GetKEY_STRING_TOAST: JString;
  183. {class} function _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE2: Integer;
  184. {class} function _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE3: Integer;
  185. {class} function _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE4: Integer;
  186. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_SET: Integer;
  187. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_COMPLETE_PROCESS_BITMAP: Integer;
  188. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME: Integer;
  189. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: Integer;
  190. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_ERROR_NV_MEMORY_CAPACITY: Integer;
  191. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Integer;
  192. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_LOG: Integer;
  193. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_NETWORK_DEVICE_SET: Integer;
  194. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_PRINT_COMPLETE: Integer;
  195. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_READ: Integer;
  196. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE: Integer;
  197. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_TOAST: Integer;
  198. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_USB_DEVICE_SET: Integer;
  199. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_USB_SERIAL_SET: Integer;
  200. {class} function _GetMESSAGE_WRITE: Integer;
  201. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_NOT_USED: Integer;
  202. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK123_AUTO: Integer;
  203. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK123_COMMAND: Integer;
  204. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK12_AUTO: Integer;
  205. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK1_AUTO: Integer;
  206. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK23_AUTO: Integer;
  207. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK2_AUTO: Integer;
  208. {class} function _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK3_AUTO: Integer;
  209. {class} function _GetNV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES: JString;
  210. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_CODE_PAGE: Integer;
  211. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_FEATURE_ID: Integer;
  212. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_FIRMWARE_VERSION: Integer;
  213. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_MANUFACTURER: Integer;
  214. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_MODEL_ID: Integer;
  215. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_PRINTER_MODEL: Integer;
  216. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_PRODUCT_SERIAL: Integer;
  217. {class} function _GetPRINTER_ID_TYPE_ID: Integer;
  218. {class} function _GetPRINT_DENSITY_DARK: Integer;
  219. {class} function _GetPRINT_DENSITY_DEFAULT: Integer;
  220. {class} function _GetPRINT_DENSITY_LIGHT: Integer;
  221. {class} function _GetPRINT_SPEED_HIGH: Integer;
  222. {class} function _GetPRINT_SPEED_LOW: Integer;
  223. {class} function _GetPRINT_SPEED_MEDIUM: Integer;
  224. {class} function _GetPROCESS_AUTO_STATUS_BACK: Integer;
  225. {class} function _GetPROCESS_CONNECTED: Integer;
  226. {class} function _GetPROCESS_DEFINE_NV_IMAGE: Integer;
  227. {class} function _GetPROCESS_EXECUTE_DIRECT_IO: Integer;
  228. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_BATTERY_STATUS: Integer;
  229. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_STATUS: Integer;
  230. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_BS_CODE_PAGE: Integer;
  231. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer;
  232. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_MSR_MODE: Integer;
  233. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_NV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES: Integer;
  234. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_POWER_MODE: Integer;
  235. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_POWER_SAVING_MODE: Integer;
  236. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINTER_ID: Integer;
  237. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINT_DENSITY: Integer;
  238. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINT_SPEED: Integer;
  239. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE: Integer;
  240. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS: Integer;
  241. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS1: Integer;
  242. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS2: Integer;
  243. {class} function _GetPROCESS_GET_TPH_THEMISTOR_STATUS: Integer;
  244. {class} function _GetPROCESS_KICK_OUT_CASH_DRAWER: Integer;
  245. {class} function _GetPROCESS_MSR_TRACK: Integer;
  246. {class} function _GetPROCESS_NONE: Integer;
  247. {class} function _GetPROCESS_REMOVE_NV_IMAGE: Integer;
  248. {class} function _GetPROCESS_RESPONSE: Integer;
  249. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE: Integer;
  250. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE_START: Integer;
  251. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer;
  252. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_PRINT_DENSITY: Integer;
  253. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_PRINT_SPEED: Integer;
  254. {class} function _GetPROCESS_SET_SINGLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer;
  255. {class} function _GetPROCESS_UPDATE_FIRMWARE: Integer;
  256. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL_H: Integer;
  257. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL_L: Integer;
  258. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL_M: Integer;
  259. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL_Q: Integer;
  260. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_MODEL1: Integer;
  261. {class} function _GetQR_CODE_MODEL2: Integer;
  262. {class} function _GetSTATE_CONNECTED: Integer;
  263. {class} function _GetSTATE_CONNECTING: Integer;
  264. {class} function _GetSTATE_NONE: Integer;
  265. {class} function _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_FULL: Integer;
  266. {class} function _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_HIGH: Integer;
  267. {class} function _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_LOW: Integer;
  268. {class} function _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE: Integer;
  269. {class} function _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_MIDDLE: Integer;
  270. {class} function _GetSTATUS_COVER_OPEN: Integer;
  271. {class} function _GetSTATUS_ERROR_OCCURRED: Integer;
  272. {class} function _GetSTATUS_NORMAL: Integer;
  273. {class} function _GetSTATUS_PAPER_FED: Integer;
  274. {class} function _GetSTATUS_PAPER_NEAR_END: Integer;
  275. {class} function _GetSTATUS_PAPER_NOT_PRESENT: Integer;
  276. {class} function _GetSTATUS_PRINTING_STOPPED: Integer;
  277. {class} function _GetSTATUS_SMPS_MODE: Integer;
  278. {class} function _GetSTATUS_TPH_OVER_HEATING: Integer;
  279. {class} function _GetTAG: JString;
  280. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_EMPHASIZED: Integer;
  281. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_A: Integer;
  282. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_B: Integer;
  283. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_C: Integer;
  284. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_REVERSE: Integer;
  285. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE1: Integer;
  286. {class} function _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE2: Integer;
  287. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL1: Integer;
  288. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL2: Integer;
  289. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL3: Integer;
  290. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL4: Integer;
  291. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL5: Integer;
  292. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL6: Integer;
  293. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL7: Integer;
  294. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL8: Integer;
  295. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL1: Integer;
  296. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL2: Integer;
  297. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL3: Integer;
  298. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL4: Integer;
  299. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL5: Integer;
  300. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL6: Integer;
  301. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL7: Integer;
  302. {class} function _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL8: Integer;
  303. {class} function init(P1: JContext; P2: JHandler; P3: JLooper): JBixolonPrinter; cdecl;
  304. {class} procedure printLog(P1: Boolean); cdecl;
  305. {class} property ALIGNMENT_CENTER: Integer read _GetALIGNMENT_CENTER;
  306. {class} property ALIGNMENT_LEFT: Integer read _GetALIGNMENT_LEFT;
  307. {class} property ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: Integer read _GetALIGNMENT_RIGHT;
  309. {class} property AUTO_STATUS_COVER_OPEN: Integer read _GetAUTO_STATUS_COVER_OPEN;
  310. {class} property AUTO_STATUS_NO_PAPER: Integer read _GetAUTO_STATUS_NO_PAPER;
  311. {class} property AUTO_STATUS_OFF_LINE: Integer read _GetAUTO_STATUS_OFF_LINE;
  312. {class} property AUTO_STATUS_PAPER_FED: Integer read _GetAUTO_STATUS_PAPER_FED;
  314. {class} property BAR_CODE_CODABAR: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_CODABAR;
  315. {class} property BAR_CODE_CODE128: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_CODE128;
  316. {class} property BAR_CODE_CODE39: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_CODE39;
  317. {class} property BAR_CODE_CODE93: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_CODE93;
  318. {class} property BAR_CODE_EAN13: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_EAN13;
  319. {class} property BAR_CODE_EAN8: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_EAN8;
  320. {class} property BAR_CODE_ITF: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_ITF;
  321. {class} property BAR_CODE_UPC_A: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_UPC_A;
  322. {class} property BAR_CODE_UPC_E: Integer read _GetBAR_CODE_UPC_E;
  323. {class} property BITMAP_WIDTH_FULL: Integer read _GetBITMAP_WIDTH_FULL;
  324. {class} property BITMAP_WIDTH_NONE: Integer read _GetBITMAP_WIDTH_NONE;
  325. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1250_CZECH: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1250_CZECH;
  326. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1251_CYRILLIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1251_CYRILLIC;
  327. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1252_LATIN1: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1252_LATIN1;
  328. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1253_GREEK: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1253_GREEK;
  329. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1254_TURKISH: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1254_TURKISH;
  330. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1255_HEBREW_NEW_CODE: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1255_HEBREW_NEW_CODE;
  331. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1256_ARABIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1256_ARABIC;
  332. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1257_BALTIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1257_BALTIC;
  333. {class} property CODE_PAGE_1258_VIETNAM: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_1258_VIETNAM;
  334. {class} property CODE_PAGE_437_USA: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_437_USA;
  335. {class} property CODE_PAGE_737_GREEK: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_737_GREEK;
  336. {class} property CODE_PAGE_775_BALTIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_775_BALTIC;
  337. {class} property CODE_PAGE_850_MULTILINGUAL: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_850_MULTILINGUAL;
  338. {class} property CODE_PAGE_852_LATIN2: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_852_LATIN2;
  339. {class} property CODE_PAGE_855_CYRILLIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_855_CYRILLIC;
  340. {class} property CODE_PAGE_857_TURKISH: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_857_TURKISH;
  341. {class} property CODE_PAGE_858_EURO: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_858_EURO;
  342. {class} property CODE_PAGE_860_PORTUGUESE: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_860_PORTUGUESE;
  343. {class} property CODE_PAGE_862_HEBREW_DOS_CODE: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_862_HEBREW_DOS_CODE;
  344. {class} property CODE_PAGE_863_CANADIAN_FRENCH: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_863_CANADIAN_FRENCH;
  345. {class} property CODE_PAGE_864_ARABIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_864_ARABIC;
  346. {class} property CODE_PAGE_865_NORDIC: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_865_NORDIC;
  347. {class} property CODE_PAGE_866_CYRILLIC2: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_866_CYRILLIC2;
  348. {class} property CODE_PAGE_928_GREEK: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_928_GREEK;
  349. {class} property CODE_PAGE_FARSI: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_FARSI;
  350. {class} property CODE_PAGE_KATAKANA: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_KATAKANA;
  351. {class} property CODE_PAGE_KHMER_CAMBODIA: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_KHMER_CAMBODIA;
  352. {class} property CODE_PAGE_THAI11: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI11;
  353. {class} property CODE_PAGE_THAI14: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI14;
  354. {class} property CODE_PAGE_THAI16: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI16;
  355. {class} property CODE_PAGE_THAI18: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI18;
  356. {class} property CODE_PAGE_THAI42: Byte read _GetCODE_PAGE_THAI42;
  357. {class} property COLOR_BLACK: Integer read _GetCOLOR_BLACK;
  358. {class} property COLOR_RED: Integer read _GetCOLOR_RED;
  359. {class} property D: Boolean read _GetD write _SetD;
  360. {class} property DIRECTION_0_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer read _GetDIRECTION_0_DEGREE_ROTATION;
  361. {class} property DIRECTION_180_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer read _GetDIRECTION_180_DEGREE_ROTATION;
  362. {class} property DIRECTION_270_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer read _GetDIRECTION_270_DEGREE_ROTATION;
  363. {class} property DIRECTION_90_DEGREE_ROTATION: Integer read _GetDIRECTION_90_DEGREE_ROTATION;
  364. {class} property DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_BIG5: Byte read _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_BIG5;
  365. {class} property DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_GB2312: Byte read _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_GB2312;
  366. {class} property DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_KS5601: Byte read _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_KS5601;
  367. {class} property DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_SHIFT_JIS: Byte read _GetDOUBLE_BYTE_FONT_SHIFT_JIS;
  368. {class} property DRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN2: Integer read _GetDRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN2;
  369. {class} property DRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN5: Integer read _GetDRAWER_CONNECTOR_PIN5;
  370. {class} property EXECUTE_DIRECT_IO: JString read _GetEXECUTE_DIRECT_IO;
  374. {class} property HRI_CHARACTER_NOT_PRINTED: Integer read _GetHRI_CHARACTER_NOT_PRINTED;
  375. {class} property KEY_STRING_CODE_PAGE: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_CODE_PAGE;
  376. {class} property KEY_STRING_DEVICE_NAME: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_DEVICE_NAME;
  377. {class} property KEY_STRING_DIRECT_IO: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_DIRECT_IO;
  378. {class} property KEY_STRING_MONO_PIXELS: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_MONO_PIXELS;
  379. {class} property KEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK1: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK1;
  380. {class} property KEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK2: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK2;
  381. {class} property KEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK3: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_MSR_TRACK3;
  382. {class} property KEY_STRING_PRINTER_ID: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_PRINTER_ID;
  383. {class} property KEY_STRING_TOAST: JString read _GetKEY_STRING_TOAST;
  384. {class} property MAXI_CODE_MODE2: Integer read _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE2;
  385. {class} property MAXI_CODE_MODE3: Integer read _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE3;
  386. {class} property MAXI_CODE_MODE4: Integer read _GetMAXI_CODE_MODE4;
  389. {class} property MESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME;
  392. {class} property MESSAGE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
  393. {class} property MESSAGE_LOG: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_LOG;
  394. {class} property MESSAGE_NETWORK_DEVICE_SET: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_NETWORK_DEVICE_SET;
  395. {class} property MESSAGE_PRINT_COMPLETE: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_PRINT_COMPLETE;
  396. {class} property MESSAGE_READ: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_READ;
  397. {class} property MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE;
  398. {class} property MESSAGE_TOAST: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_TOAST;
  399. {class} property MESSAGE_USB_DEVICE_SET: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_USB_DEVICE_SET;
  400. {class} property MESSAGE_USB_SERIAL_SET: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_USB_SERIAL_SET;
  401. {class} property MESSAGE_WRITE: Integer read _GetMESSAGE_WRITE;
  402. {class} property MSR_MODE_NOT_USED: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_NOT_USED;
  403. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK123_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK123_AUTO;
  404. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK123_COMMAND: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK123_COMMAND;
  405. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK12_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK12_AUTO;
  406. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK1_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK1_AUTO;
  407. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK23_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK23_AUTO;
  408. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK2_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK2_AUTO;
  409. {class} property MSR_MODE_TRACK3_AUTO: Integer read _GetMSR_MODE_TRACK3_AUTO;
  410. {class} property NV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES: JString read _GetNV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES;
  411. {class} property PRINTER_ID_CODE_PAGE: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_CODE_PAGE;
  412. {class} property PRINTER_ID_FEATURE_ID: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_FEATURE_ID;
  414. {class} property PRINTER_ID_MANUFACTURER: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_MANUFACTURER;
  415. {class} property PRINTER_ID_MODEL_ID: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_MODEL_ID;
  416. {class} property PRINTER_ID_PRINTER_MODEL: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_PRINTER_MODEL;
  417. {class} property PRINTER_ID_PRODUCT_SERIAL: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_PRODUCT_SERIAL;
  418. {class} property PRINTER_ID_TYPE_ID: Integer read _GetPRINTER_ID_TYPE_ID;
  419. {class} property PRINT_DENSITY_DARK: Integer read _GetPRINT_DENSITY_DARK;
  420. {class} property PRINT_DENSITY_DEFAULT: Integer read _GetPRINT_DENSITY_DEFAULT;
  421. {class} property PRINT_DENSITY_LIGHT: Integer read _GetPRINT_DENSITY_LIGHT;
  422. {class} property PRINT_SPEED_HIGH: Integer read _GetPRINT_SPEED_HIGH;
  423. {class} property PRINT_SPEED_LOW: Integer read _GetPRINT_SPEED_LOW;
  424. {class} property PRINT_SPEED_MEDIUM: Integer read _GetPRINT_SPEED_MEDIUM;
  425. {class} property PROCESS_AUTO_STATUS_BACK: Integer read _GetPROCESS_AUTO_STATUS_BACK;
  426. {class} property PROCESS_CONNECTED: Integer read _GetPROCESS_CONNECTED;
  427. {class} property PROCESS_DEFINE_NV_IMAGE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_DEFINE_NV_IMAGE;
  428. {class} property PROCESS_EXECUTE_DIRECT_IO: Integer read _GetPROCESS_EXECUTE_DIRECT_IO;
  429. {class} property PROCESS_GET_BATTERY_STATUS: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_BATTERY_STATUS;
  431. {class} property PROCESS_GET_BS_CODE_PAGE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_BS_CODE_PAGE;
  432. {class} property PROCESS_GET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT;
  433. {class} property PROCESS_GET_MSR_MODE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_MSR_MODE;
  434. {class} property PROCESS_GET_NV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_NV_IMAGE_KEY_CODES;
  435. {class} property PROCESS_GET_POWER_MODE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_POWER_MODE;
  437. {class} property PROCESS_GET_PRINTER_ID: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINTER_ID;
  438. {class} property PROCESS_GET_PRINT_DENSITY: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINT_DENSITY;
  439. {class} property PROCESS_GET_PRINT_SPEED: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_PRINT_SPEED;
  441. {class} property PROCESS_GET_STATUS: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS;
  442. {class} property PROCESS_GET_STATUS1: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS1;
  443. {class} property PROCESS_GET_STATUS2: Integer read _GetPROCESS_GET_STATUS2;
  445. {class} property PROCESS_KICK_OUT_CASH_DRAWER: Integer read _GetPROCESS_KICK_OUT_CASH_DRAWER;
  446. {class} property PROCESS_MSR_TRACK: Integer read _GetPROCESS_MSR_TRACK;
  447. {class} property PROCESS_NONE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_NONE;
  448. {class} property PROCESS_REMOVE_NV_IMAGE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_REMOVE_NV_IMAGE;
  449. {class} property PROCESS_RESPONSE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_RESPONSE;
  450. {class} property PROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE;
  451. {class} property PROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE_START: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_BS_CODE_PAGE_START;
  452. {class} property PROCESS_SET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_DOUBLE_BYTE_FONT;
  453. {class} property PROCESS_SET_PRINT_DENSITY: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_PRINT_DENSITY;
  454. {class} property PROCESS_SET_PRINT_SPEED: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_PRINT_SPEED;
  455. {class} property PROCESS_SET_SINGLE_BYTE_FONT: Integer read _GetPROCESS_SET_SINGLE_BYTE_FONT;
  456. {class} property PROCESS_UPDATE_FIRMWARE: Integer read _GetPROCESS_UPDATE_FIRMWARE;
  461. {class} property QR_CODE_MODEL1: Integer read _GetQR_CODE_MODEL1;
  462. {class} property QR_CODE_MODEL2: Integer read _GetQR_CODE_MODEL2;
  463. {class} property STATE_CONNECTED: Integer read _GetSTATE_CONNECTED;
  464. {class} property STATE_CONNECTING: Integer read _GetSTATE_CONNECTING;
  465. {class} property STATE_NONE: Integer read _GetSTATE_NONE;
  466. {class} property STATUS_BATTERY_FULL: Integer read _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_FULL;
  467. {class} property STATUS_BATTERY_HIGH: Integer read _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_HIGH;
  468. {class} property STATUS_BATTERY_LOW: Integer read _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_LOW;
  469. {class} property STATUS_BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE: Integer read _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_LOW_VOLTAGE;
  470. {class} property STATUS_BATTERY_MIDDLE: Integer read _GetSTATUS_BATTERY_MIDDLE;
  471. {class} property STATUS_COVER_OPEN: Integer read _GetSTATUS_COVER_OPEN;
  472. {class} property STATUS_ERROR_OCCURRED: Integer read _GetSTATUS_ERROR_OCCURRED;
  473. {class} property STATUS_NORMAL: Integer read _GetSTATUS_NORMAL;
  474. {class} property STATUS_PAPER_FED: Integer read _GetSTATUS_PAPER_FED;
  475. {class} property STATUS_PAPER_NEAR_END: Integer read _GetSTATUS_PAPER_NEAR_END;
  476. {class} property STATUS_PAPER_NOT_PRESENT: Integer read _GetSTATUS_PAPER_NOT_PRESENT;
  477. {class} property STATUS_PRINTING_STOPPED: Integer read _GetSTATUS_PRINTING_STOPPED;
  478. {class} property STATUS_SMPS_MODE: Integer read _GetSTATUS_SMPS_MODE;
  479. {class} property STATUS_TPH_OVER_HEATING: Integer read _GetSTATUS_TPH_OVER_HEATING;
  480. {class} property TAG: JString read _GetTAG;
  482. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_A: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_A;
  483. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_B: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_B;
  484. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_C: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_FONT_C;
  485. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_REVERSE: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_REVERSE;
  486. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE1: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE1;
  487. {class} property TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE2: Integer read _GetTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE2;
  488. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL1: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL1;
  489. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL2: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL2;
  490. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL3: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL3;
  491. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL4: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL4;
  492. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL5: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL5;
  493. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL6: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL6;
  494. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL7: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL7;
  495. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL8: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL8;
  496. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL1: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL1;
  497. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL2: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL2;
  498. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL3: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL3;
  499. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL4: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL4;
  500. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL5: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL5;
  501. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL6: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL6;
  502. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL7: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL7;
  503. {class} property TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL8: Integer read _GetTEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL8;
  504. end;
  506. [JavaSignature('com/bixolon/printer/BixolonPrinter')]
  507. JBixolonPrinter = interface(JObject)
  508. ['{2890A0CE-D640-438B-8AE5-2E8EA1933564}']
  509. procedure automateStatusBack(P1: Boolean); cdecl;
  510. procedure cancelMsrReaderMode; cdecl;
  511. procedure connect; cdecl; overload;
  512. procedure connect(P1: JString); cdecl; overload;
  513. procedure connect(P1: JUsbDevice); cdecl; overload;
  514. procedure connect(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer); cdecl; overload;
  515. procedure connectUsb(P1: JString); cdecl;
  516. procedure cutPaper(P1: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  517. procedure cutPaper(P1: Integer; P2: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  518. procedure defineNvImage(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer); cdecl; overload;
  519. procedure defineNvImage(P1: JBitmap; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer); cdecl; overload;
  520. procedure disconnect; cdecl;
  521. procedure executeAutomaticCalibration; cdecl;
  522. procedure executeDirectIo(P1: TJavaArray<Byte>; P2: Boolean); cdecl;
  523. procedure findBluetoothPrinters; cdecl;
  524. procedure findNetworkPrinters(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  525. procedure findUsbPrinters; cdecl;
  526. procedure findUsbPrintersBySerial; cdecl;
  527. procedure formFeed(P1: Boolean); cdecl;
  528. procedure getBatteryStatus; cdecl;
  529. procedure getBatteryVoltageStatus; cdecl;
  530. procedure getBsCodePage; cdecl;
  531. procedure getDefinedNvImageKeyCodes; cdecl;
  532. function getMacAddress: JString; cdecl;
  533. procedure getMonoPixels(P1: JBitmap; P2: Integer; P3: Integer); cdecl; overload;
  534. procedure getMonoPixels(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer); cdecl; overload;
  535. procedure getMsrMode; cdecl;
  536. procedure getPowerMode; cdecl;
  537. procedure getPowerSavingMode; cdecl;
  538. procedure getPrintDensity; cdecl;
  539. procedure getPrintSpeed; cdecl;
  540. procedure getPrinterId(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  541. procedure getReceiveBufferDataSize; cdecl;
  542. procedure getStatus; cdecl;
  543. procedure getTphThermistorStatus; cdecl;
  544. function getUsbSerial: JString; cdecl;
  545. procedure initialize; cdecl;
  546. procedure kickOutDrawer(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  547. procedure lineFeed(P1: Integer; P2: Boolean); cdecl;
  548. procedure print1dBarcode(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Integer; P6: Integer; P7: Boolean); cdecl;
  549. procedure printBitmap(P1: JBitmap; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  550. procedure printBitmap(P1: TJavaArray<Byte>; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  551. procedure printBitmap(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  552. procedure printDataMatrix(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Boolean); cdecl;
  553. procedure printDotMatrixBitmap(P1: JBitmap; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  554. procedure printDotMatrixBitmap(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  555. procedure printDotMatrixText(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl;
  556. procedure printMaxiCode(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Boolean); cdecl;
  557. procedure printNvImage(P1: Integer; P2: Boolean); cdecl;
  558. procedure printPdf417(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl;
  559. procedure printQrCode(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  560. procedure printQrCode(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Integer; P6: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  561. procedure printQrCode(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Integer; P6: Integer; P7: Boolean); cdecl; overload;
  562. procedure printSelfTest(P1: Boolean); cdecl;
  563. procedure printText(P1: JString; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer; P5: Boolean); cdecl;
  564. procedure removeAllNvImage; cdecl;
  565. procedure removeNvImage(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  566. procedure setAbsolutePrintPosition(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  567. procedure setAbsoluteVerticalPrintPosition(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  568. procedure setBsCodePage(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  569. procedure setDoubleByteFont(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  570. procedure setLabelMode; cdecl;
  571. procedure setMsrReaderMode; cdecl;
  572. procedure setPageMode; cdecl;
  573. procedure setPowerSavingMode(P1: Boolean; P2: Integer); cdecl;
  574. procedure setPrintArea(P1: Integer; P2: Integer; P3: Integer; P4: Integer); cdecl;
  575. procedure setPrintColor(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  576. procedure setPrintDensity(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  577. procedure setPrintDirection(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  578. procedure setPrintSpeed(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  579. procedure setReceiptMode; cdecl;
  580. procedure setSingleByteFont(P1: Integer); cdecl;
  581. procedure setStandardMode; cdecl;
  582. procedure shutDown; cdecl;
  583. procedure updateFirmware(P1: JString); cdecl;
  584. end;
  585. TJBixolonPrinter = class(TJavaGenericImport<JBixolonPrinterClass, JBixolonPrinter>) end;
  587. implementation
  589. procedure RegisterTypes;
  590. begin
  591. TRegTypes.RegisterType('Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbDevice', TypeInfo(Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbDevice));
  592. TRegTypes.RegisterType('Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbEndpoint', TypeInfo(Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbEndpoint));
  593. TRegTypes.RegisterType('Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbInterface', TypeInfo(Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JUsbInterface));
  594. TRegTypes.RegisterType('Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JBixolonPrinter', TypeInfo(Androidapi.JNI.Interfaces.JBixolonPrinter));
  595. end;
  597. initialization
  598. RegisterTypes;
  599. end.

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#3 egostar


    missing my father, I love my mother.

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Escrito 07 junio 2016 - 04:52

Buenas tardes amigo look, 


El error tiene que ver con el archivo "AndroidManifest.xml", hay que verlo para poder identificar el problema.



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#4 look


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Escrito 07 junio 2016 - 05:23

hola amigo, ya habia investigado al respecto y tambien encontre informacion al respecto de eso, en todo caso , aqui dejo el archivo:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!-- BEGIN_INCLUDE(manifest) -->
  3. <manifest xmlns:android=""
  4. package="%package%"
  5. android:versionCode="%versionCode%"
  6. android:versionName="%versionName%"
  7. android:installLocation="%installLocation%">
  9. <!-- This is the platform API where NativeActivity was introduced. -->
  10. <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="%minSdkVersion%" android:targetSdkVersion="%targetSdkVersion%" />
  11. <%uses-permission%>
  12. <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="True"/>
  13. <application android:persistent="%persistent%"
  14. android:restoreAnyVersion="%restoreAnyVersion%"
  15. android:label="%label%"
  16. android:debuggable="%debuggable%"
  17. android:largeHeap="%largeHeap%"
  18. android:icon="%icon%"
  19. android:theme="%theme%"
  20. android:hardwareAccelerated="%hardwareAccelerated%">
  22. <%application-meta-data%>
  23. <%services%>
  24. <!-- Our activity is a subclass of the built-in NativeActivity framework class.
  25. This will take care of integrating with our NDK code. -->
  26. <activity android:name="com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity"
  27. android:label="%activityLabel%"
  28. android:configChanges="orientation|keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenSize"
  29. android:launchMode="singleTask">
  30. <!-- Tell NativeActivity the name of our .so -->
  31. <meta-data android:name=""
  32. android:value="%libNameValue%" />
  33. <intent-filter>
  34. <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
  35. <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
  36. </intent-filter>
  37. </activity>
  38. <%activity%>
  39. <%receivers%>
  40. </application>
  41. </manifest>
  42. <!-- END_INCLUDE(manifest) -->

ya lo he borrado, el delphi lo recreea, tambien vi que aparentemente hay problemas cuando el nombre del paquete lleva alguna letra mayuscula, pero nada. en fin...

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#5 look


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Escrito 08 junio 2016 - 08:23

Hola , para reproducior el error solo agrego la unit al project y tambien el archivo jar:!BQ...6a14yPkiSZLfs_A


si alguien quiere reproducirlo y ayudarme a encontrar una solucion.

  • 1

#6 egostar


    missing my father, I love my mother.

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Escrito 08 junio 2016 - 09:05

Hola , para reproducior el error solo agrego la unit al project y tambien el archivo jar:!BQ...6a14yPkiSZLfs_A


si alguien quiere reproducirlo y ayudarme a encontrar una solucion.


Vaya, no tengo acceso en mi oficina a tu descarga, llegando a casa lo descargo e intento reproducir el efecto.



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#7 look


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Escrito 08 junio 2016 - 10:51

Vaya, no tengo acceso en mi oficina a tu descarga, llegando a casa lo descargo e intento reproducir el efecto.




Gracias amigo...

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#8 genriquez


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Escrito 08 junio 2016 - 10:51

Hola, yo tengo el mismo error siempre que he tratado de utilizar el Java2OP, la verdad hace tiempo deje de intentarlo, pero creo que no es de tu librería en particular.



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#9 look


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Escrito 08 junio 2016 - 02:20

Hola, yo tengo el mismo error siempre que he tratado de utilizar el Java2OP, la verdad hace tiempo deje de intentarlo, pero creo que no es de tu librería en particular.



Tenia la ligera sospecha, creo que es culpa del Java2OP, quiza aun esta muy pobre...

¿que opinais?

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#10 genriquez


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Escrito 09 junio 2016 - 06:59

Espero que alguien nos pueda ayudar en esto, pero creo que el problema no es de la flecha, sino del indio.  En otras palabras creo que estamos haciendo algo mal, y como dice Ego es probable que sea algo del manifiest que haya que modificar y no lo sabemos.

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#11 look


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Escrito 10 junio 2016 - 08:47

Espero que alguien nos pueda ayudar en esto, pero creo que el problema no es de la flecha, sino del indio.  En otras palabras creo que estamos haciendo algo mal, y como dice Ego es probable que sea algo del manifiest que haya que modificar y no lo sabemos.


si,pueder ser, espero encontremos la solucion!

  • 0

#12 wramirez



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Escrito 06 septiembre 2016 - 08:21

Saludo  Senor:

Yo necesito ayuda como puedo hacer o convertir  un sdk a pascal .pas con llevandolo a delphi con el programa java2op , solo esta para usuario registrado de embarcadero..ayudenme or favor necesito poner a funcinar un printer por bluetooth desde delphi seatle.. gracias

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