Hola amigos, encontre estas funciones de encrintacion, me gustaria pasarlas a android , me ayudan?
const CKEY1 = 53761; CKEY2 = 32618; function EncryptStr(const S :WideString; Key: Word): String; var i :Integer; RStr :RawByteString; RStrB :TBytes Absolute RStr; begin Result:= ''; RStr:= UTF8Encode(S); for i := 0 to Length(RStr)-1 do begin RStrB[i] := RStrB[i] xor (Key shr 8); Key := (RStrB[i] + Key) * CKEY1 + CKEY2; end; for i := 0 to Length(RStr)-1 do begin Result:= Result + IntToHex(RStrB[i], 2); end; end; function DecryptStr(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var i, tmpKey :Integer; RStr :RawByteString; RStrB :TBytes Absolute RStr; tmpStr :string; begin tmpStr:= UpperCase(S); SetLength(RStr, Length(tmpStr) div 2); i:= 1; try while (i < Length(tmpStr)) do begin RStrB[i div 2]:= StrToInt('$' + tmpStr[i] + tmpStr[i+1]); Inc(i, 2); end; except Result:= ''; Exit; end; for i := 0 to Length(RStr)-1 do begin tmpKey:= RStrB[i]; RStrB[i] := RStrB[i] xor (Key shr 8); Key := (tmpKey + Key) * CKEY1 + CKEY2; end; Result:= UTF8Decode(RStr); end;