Buenas, estoy intentando crear una BBDD de seguridad particular (non-default security database). Sigo las indicaciones de la Documentación pero no he podido lograrlo.
La única particularidad mía respecto al ejemplo que se cita es: En mi configuración tengo DataBaseAccess = None.
Pongo lo que dice la documentación:
Firebird now supports an unlimited number of security databases. Any database may act as a security database and can be a security database for itself. Use databases.conf to configure a non-default security database. This example configures /mnt/storage/private.security.fdb as the security database for the first and second databases: first = /mnt/storage/first.fdb { SecurityDatabase = /mnt/storage/private.security.fdb } second = /mnt/storage/second.fdb { SecurityDatabase = /mnt/storage/private.security.fdb } Here we use third database as its own security database: third = /mnt/storage/third.fdb { SecurityDatabase = third } Note The value of the SecurityDatabase parameter can be a database alias or the actual database path. Creating an Alternative Security Database To start using a separate, non-default security database, the first step is to create it, unless it already exists. An embedded isql connection is used: > isql -user sysdba SQL> create database '/mnt/storage/private.security.fdb'; Now connect to any database which will be served by the security database you are currently preparing, in order to create its SYSDBA user: SQL> connect first; SQL> create user sysdba password 'sysdba-in-private-security-password'; SQL> commit;
Esta es mi configuración en mi Databases.conf
VendedoresPruebaSecurity = D:\SistemasXE5\SamiSoft\Software\BBDD\PruebaSecurity.fdb { MiSecurityFB30 = D:\SistemasXE5\SamiSoft\Software\BBDD\MiSecurityFB30.fdb }
Esto me responde:
SQL> -user sysdba CON> create database D:\SistemasXE5\SamiSoft\Software\BBDD\MiSecurityFB30.fdb; Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database SQL> create database 'D:\SistemasXE5\SamiSoft\Software\BBDD\MiSecurityFB30.fdb'; Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 Use of database at location D:\SISTEMASXE5\SAMISOFT\SOFTWARE\BBDD\MISECURITYFB30.FDB is not allowed by server configuration
Cuando lo hago con un alias:
SQL> create database 'MiSecurityFB30'; Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 Use of database at location C:\FIREBIRD30\MISECURITYFB30.FDB is not allowed by server configuration SQL> create database MiSecurityFB30; Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 SQL error code = -104 -Token unknown -MiSecurityFB30
¿Alguien ha tenido suerte con esto?
Bueno, espero haber sido claro.