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Meet new .NET Connectivity Solutions with Support of Visual Studio 2022


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#1 JordanS


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Escrito 06 julio 2022 - 04:15

Devart rolled out updated .NET Connectivity Solutions with Visual Studio 2022 support 


Devart, a recognized vendor of world-class data connectivity solutions for various data connection technologies and frameworks, released the new versions of multiple high-performance ADO.NET data providers, LinqConnect, and Entity Developer. The key feature of this update is official Visual Studio 2022 support.  This allows to use all the Microsoft IDE features that are currently available. 


The list of improvements includes:

- The products fully support Windows 11.

- dotConnect for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and LinqConnect are now compatible with .NET 6 and macOS 11 Arm64.


Visual Studio 2022 support is available for database connectors and dotConnect for Salesforce. 


To learn more about the recent release and download new products, visit:


dotConnect is an enhanced data connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies. dotConnect includes high performance data providers for the major databases and popular cloud applications and offers a complete solution for developing data-related applications and web sites.


About Devart 


Devart is one of the leading developers of database tools and administration software, ALM solutions, data providers for various database servers, data integration, and backup solutions. The company also implements Web and Mobile development projects. 

For additional information about Devart, visit

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