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Creando una extensión para OpenOffice en 20 minutos

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#1 poliburro


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Escrito 05 enero 2009 - 08:50

Aquí el enlace: http://www.multiraci...ator-screencast

EuroOffice Extension Creator screencast
This developer screencast shows how to use the open-source EOEC toolkit to create an extension very easily. We start from scratch and get a distributable OXT file in 20 minutes.

EuroOffice Extension Creator is a Python toolkit for creating extensions.

The project is hosted on Launchpad at

MultiRacio is the primary developer and we are hosting its documentation at

This screencast walks you through creating an extension that adds a menu item that displays a dialog box which allows you to create a star in Draw documents. This example is also described in writing at http://www.multiraci...mple-star-maker and is included in the source code too. Release versions of EOEC also include it as an OXT file so it is easy to try (but these are release packs so not fit for run-time development).

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