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Como usar componente HTTPRIO

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#1 giulichajari


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Posted 01 April 2020 - 05:07 PM

Hola amigos, para desarrollar factura electronica de AFIP, segun las especificaciones hay que mandar un archivo xml con los datos de la factura al webservice de AFIP.

Generara el xml ya lo he logrado, utilizando el data binding y el xsd.

El caso es que importe el servicio de homologacion con WSDL Importer:

  1. ServiceSoap = interface(IInvokable)
  2. ['{05274D74-5C3D-E536-980E-D9CE5D67F5D9}']
  3. function FECAESolicitar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCAEReq: FECAERequest): FECAEResponse; stdcall;
  4. function FECompTotXRequest(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FERegXReqResponse; stdcall;
  5. function FEDummy: DummyResponse; stdcall;
  6. function FECompUltimoAutorizado(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const PtoVta: Integer; const CbteTipo: Integer): FERecuperaLastCbteResponse; stdcall;
  7. function FECompConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCompConsReq: FECompConsultaReq): FECompConsultaResponse; stdcall;
  8. function FECAEARegInformativo(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCAEARegInfReq: FECAEARequest): FECAEAResponse; stdcall;
  9. function FECAEASolicitar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const Periodo: Integer; const Orden: SmallInt): FECAEAGetResponse; stdcall;
  10. function FECAEASinMovimientoConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const CAEA: string; const PtoVta: Integer): FECAEASinMovConsResponse; stdcall;
  11. function FECAEASinMovimientoInformar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const PtoVta: Integer; const CAEA: string): FECAEASinMovResponse; stdcall;
  12. function FECAEAConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const Periodo: Integer; const Orden: SmallInt): FECAEAGetResponse; stdcall;
  13. function FEParamGetCotizacion(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const MonId: string): FECotizacionResponse; stdcall;
  14. function FEParamGetTiposTributos(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FETributoResponse; stdcall;
  15. function FEParamGetTiposMonedas(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): MonedaResponse; stdcall;
  16. function FEParamGetTiposIva(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): IvaTipoResponse; stdcall;
  17. function FEParamGetTiposOpcional(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): OpcionalTipoResponse; stdcall;
  18. function FEParamGetTiposConcepto(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): ConceptoTipoResponse; stdcall;
  19. function FEParamGetPtosVenta(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FEPtoVentaResponse; stdcall;
  20. function FEParamGetTiposCbte(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): CbteTipoResponse; stdcall;
  21. function FEParamGetTiposDoc(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): DocTipoResponse; stdcall;
  22. function FEParamGetTiposPaises(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FEPaisResponse; stdcall;
  23. end;
  25. function GetServiceSoap(UseWSDL: Boolean=System.False; Addr: string=''; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO = nil): ServiceSoap;
  28. implementation
  29. uses System.SysUtils;
  31. function GetServiceSoap(UseWSDL: Boolean; Addr: string; HTTPRIO: THTTPRIO): ServiceSoap;
  32. const
  33. defWSDL = 'https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL';
  34. defURL = 'https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx';
  35. defSvc = 'Service';
  36. defPrt = 'ServiceSoap';
  37. var
  39. begin
  40. Result := nil;
  41. if (Addr = '') then
  42. begin
  43. if UseWSDL then
  44. Addr := defWSDL
  45. else
  46. Addr := defURL;
  47. end;
  48. if HTTPRIO = nil then
  49. RIO := THTTPRIO.Create(nil)
  50. else
  51. RIO := HTTPRIO;
  52. try
  53. Result := (RIO as ServiceSoap);
  54. if UseWSDL then
  55. begin
  56. RIO.WSDLLocation := Addr;
  57. RIO.Service := defSvc;
  58. RIO.Port := defPrt;
  59. end else
  60. RIO.URL := Addr;
  61. finally
  62. if (Result = nil) and (HTTPRIO = nil) then
  63. RIO.Free;
  64. end;
  65. end;
  68. destructor FECAEResponse.Destroy;
  69. var
  70. I: Integer;
  71. begin
  72. for I := 0 to System.Length(FFeDetResp)-1 do
  73. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeDetResp[I]);
  74. System.SetLength(FFeDetResp, 0);
  75. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  76. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  77. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  78. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  79. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  80. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  81. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeCabResp);
  82. inherited Destroy;
  83. end;
  85. procedure FECAEResponse.SetFeCabResp(Index: Integer; const AFECAECabResponse: FECAECabResponse);
  86. begin
  87. FFeCabResp := AFECAECabResponse;
  88. FFeCabResp_Specified := True;
  89. end;
  91. function FECAEResponse.FeCabResp_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  92. begin
  93. Result := FFeCabResp_Specified;
  94. end;
  96. procedure FECAEResponse.SetFeDetResp(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfFECAEDetResponse: ArrayOfFECAEDetResponse);
  97. begin
  98. FFeDetResp := AArrayOfFECAEDetResponse;
  99. FFeDetResp_Specified := True;
  100. end;
  102. function FECAEResponse.FeDetResp_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  103. begin
  104. Result := FFeDetResp_Specified;
  105. end;
  107. procedure FECAEResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  108. begin
  109. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  110. FEvents_Specified := True;
  111. end;
  113. function FECAEResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  114. begin
  115. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  116. end;
  118. procedure FECAEResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  119. begin
  120. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  121. FErrors_Specified := True;
  122. end;
  124. function FECAEResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  125. begin
  126. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  127. end;
  129. destructor DocTipoResponse.Destroy;
  130. var
  131. I: Integer;
  132. begin
  133. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  134. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  135. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  136. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  137. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  138. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  139. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  140. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  141. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  142. inherited Destroy;
  143. end;
  145. procedure DocTipoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfDocTipo: ArrayOfDocTipo);
  146. begin
  147. FResultGet := AArrayOfDocTipo;
  148. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  149. end;
  151. function DocTipoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  152. begin
  153. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  154. end;
  156. procedure DocTipoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  157. begin
  158. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  159. FErrors_Specified := True;
  160. end;
  162. function DocTipoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  163. begin
  164. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  165. end;
  167. procedure DocTipoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  168. begin
  169. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  170. FEvents_Specified := True;
  171. end;
  173. function DocTipoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  174. begin
  175. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  176. end;
  178. destructor CbteTipoResponse.Destroy;
  179. var
  180. I: Integer;
  181. begin
  182. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  183. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  184. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  185. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  186. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  187. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  188. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  189. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  190. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  191. inherited Destroy;
  192. end;
  194. procedure CbteTipoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfCbteTipo: ArrayOfCbteTipo);
  195. begin
  196. FResultGet := AArrayOfCbteTipo;
  197. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  198. end;
  200. function CbteTipoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  201. begin
  202. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  203. end;
  205. procedure CbteTipoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  206. begin
  207. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  208. FErrors_Specified := True;
  209. end;
  211. function CbteTipoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  212. begin
  213. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  214. end;
  216. procedure CbteTipoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  217. begin
  218. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  219. FEvents_Specified := True;
  220. end;
  222. function CbteTipoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  223. begin
  224. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  225. end;
  227. destructor FEPaisResponse.Destroy;
  228. var
  229. I: Integer;
  230. begin
  231. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  232. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  233. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  234. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  235. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  236. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  237. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  238. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  239. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  240. inherited Destroy;
  241. end;
  243. procedure FEPaisResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfPaisTipo: ArrayOfPaisTipo);
  244. begin
  245. FResultGet := AArrayOfPaisTipo;
  246. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  247. end;
  249. function FEPaisResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  250. begin
  251. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  252. end;
  254. procedure FEPaisResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  255. begin
  256. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  257. FErrors_Specified := True;
  258. end;
  260. function FEPaisResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  261. begin
  262. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  263. end;
  265. procedure FEPaisResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  266. begin
  267. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  268. FEvents_Specified := True;
  269. end;
  271. function FEPaisResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  272. begin
  273. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  274. end;
  276. destructor OpcionalTipoResponse.Destroy;
  277. var
  278. I: Integer;
  279. begin
  280. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  281. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  282. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  283. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  284. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  285. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  286. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  287. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  288. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  289. inherited Destroy;
  290. end;
  292. procedure OpcionalTipoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfOpcionalTipo: ArrayOfOpcionalTipo);
  293. begin
  294. FResultGet := AArrayOfOpcionalTipo;
  295. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  296. end;
  298. function OpcionalTipoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  299. begin
  300. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  301. end;
  303. procedure OpcionalTipoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  304. begin
  305. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  306. FErrors_Specified := True;
  307. end;
  309. function OpcionalTipoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  310. begin
  311. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  312. end;
  314. procedure OpcionalTipoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  315. begin
  316. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  317. FEvents_Specified := True;
  318. end;
  320. function OpcionalTipoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  321. begin
  322. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  323. end;
  325. destructor IvaTipoResponse.Destroy;
  326. var
  327. I: Integer;
  328. begin
  329. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  330. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  331. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  332. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  333. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  334. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  335. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  336. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  337. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  338. inherited Destroy;
  339. end;
  341. procedure IvaTipoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfIvaTipo: ArrayOfIvaTipo);
  342. begin
  343. FResultGet := AArrayOfIvaTipo;
  344. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  345. end;
  347. function IvaTipoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  348. begin
  349. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  350. end;
  352. procedure IvaTipoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  353. begin
  354. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  355. FErrors_Specified := True;
  356. end;
  358. function IvaTipoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  359. begin
  360. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  361. end;
  363. procedure IvaTipoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  364. begin
  365. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  366. FEvents_Specified := True;
  367. end;
  369. function IvaTipoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  370. begin
  371. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  372. end;
  374. destructor FEPtoVentaResponse.Destroy;
  375. var
  376. I: Integer;
  377. begin
  378. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  379. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  380. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  381. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  382. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  383. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  384. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  385. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  386. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  387. inherited Destroy;
  388. end;
  390. procedure FEPtoVentaResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfPtoVenta: ArrayOfPtoVenta);
  391. begin
  392. FResultGet := AArrayOfPtoVenta;
  393. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  394. end;
  396. function FEPtoVentaResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  397. begin
  398. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  399. end;
  401. procedure FEPtoVentaResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  402. begin
  403. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  404. FErrors_Specified := True;
  405. end;
  407. function FEPtoVentaResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  408. begin
  409. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  410. end;
  412. procedure FEPtoVentaResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  413. begin
  414. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  415. FEvents_Specified := True;
  416. end;
  418. function FEPtoVentaResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  419. begin
  420. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  421. end;
  423. destructor ConceptoTipoResponse.Destroy;
  424. var
  425. I: Integer;
  426. begin
  427. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  428. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  429. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  430. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  431. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  432. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  433. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  434. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  435. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  436. inherited Destroy;
  437. end;
  439. procedure ConceptoTipoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfConceptoTipo: ArrayOfConceptoTipo);
  440. begin
  441. FResultGet := AArrayOfConceptoTipo;
  442. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  443. end;
  445. function ConceptoTipoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  446. begin
  447. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  448. end;
  450. procedure ConceptoTipoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  451. begin
  452. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  453. FErrors_Specified := True;
  454. end;
  456. function ConceptoTipoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  457. begin
  458. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  459. end;
  461. procedure ConceptoTipoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  462. begin
  463. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  464. FEvents_Specified := True;
  465. end;
  467. function ConceptoTipoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  468. begin
  469. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  470. end;
  472. destructor FECAERequest.Destroy;
  473. var
  474. I: Integer;
  475. begin
  476. for I := 0 to System.Length(FFeDetReq)-1 do
  477. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeDetReq[I]);
  478. System.SetLength(FFeDetReq, 0);
  479. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeCabReq);
  480. inherited Destroy;
  481. end;
  483. procedure FECAERequest.SetFeCabReq(Index: Integer; const AFECAECabRequest: FECAECabRequest);
  484. begin
  485. FFeCabReq := AFECAECabRequest;
  486. FFeCabReq_Specified := True;
  487. end;
  489. function FECAERequest.FeCabReq_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  490. begin
  491. Result := FFeCabReq_Specified;
  492. end;
  494. procedure FECAERequest.SetFeDetReq(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfFECAEDetRequest: ArrayOfFECAEDetRequest);
  495. begin
  496. FFeDetReq := AArrayOfFECAEDetRequest;
  497. FFeDetReq_Specified := True;
  498. end;
  500. function FECAERequest.FeDetReq_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  501. begin
  502. Result := FFeDetReq_Specified;
  503. end;
  505. procedure Opcional.SetId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  506. begin
  507. FId := Astring;
  508. FId_Specified := True;
  509. end;
  511. function Opcional.Id_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  512. begin
  513. Result := FId_Specified;
  514. end;
  516. procedure Opcional.SetValor(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  517. begin
  518. FValor := Astring;
  519. FValor_Specified := True;
  520. end;
  522. function Opcional.Valor_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  523. begin
  524. Result := FValor_Specified;
  525. end;
  527. procedure Moneda.SetId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  528. begin
  529. FId := Astring;
  530. FId_Specified := True;
  531. end;
  533. function Moneda.Id_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  534. begin
  535. Result := FId_Specified;
  536. end;
  538. procedure Moneda.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  539. begin
  540. FDesc := Astring;
  541. FDesc_Specified := True;
  542. end;
  544. function Moneda.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  545. begin
  546. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  547. end;
  549. procedure Moneda.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  550. begin
  551. FFchDesde := Astring;
  552. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  553. end;
  555. function Moneda.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  556. begin
  557. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  558. end;
  560. procedure Moneda.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  561. begin
  562. FFchHasta := Astring;
  563. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  564. end;
  566. function Moneda.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  567. begin
  568. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  569. end;
  571. procedure PaisTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  572. begin
  573. FDesc := Astring;
  574. FDesc_Specified := True;
  575. end;
  577. function PaisTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  578. begin
  579. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  580. end;
  582. procedure IvaTipo.SetId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  583. begin
  584. FId := Astring;
  585. FId_Specified := True;
  586. end;
  588. function IvaTipo.Id_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  589. begin
  590. Result := FId_Specified;
  591. end;
  593. procedure IvaTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  594. begin
  595. FDesc := Astring;
  596. FDesc_Specified := True;
  597. end;
  599. function IvaTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  600. begin
  601. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  602. end;
  604. procedure IvaTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  605. begin
  606. FFchDesde := Astring;
  607. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  608. end;
  610. function IvaTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  611. begin
  612. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  613. end;
  615. procedure IvaTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  616. begin
  617. FFchHasta := Astring;
  618. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  619. end;
  621. function IvaTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  622. begin
  623. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  624. end;
  626. procedure OpcionalTipo.SetId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  627. begin
  628. FId := Astring;
  629. FId_Specified := True;
  630. end;
  632. function OpcionalTipo.Id_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  633. begin
  634. Result := FId_Specified;
  635. end;
  637. procedure OpcionalTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  638. begin
  639. FDesc := Astring;
  640. FDesc_Specified := True;
  641. end;
  643. function OpcionalTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  644. begin
  645. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  646. end;
  648. procedure OpcionalTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  649. begin
  650. FFchDesde := Astring;
  651. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  652. end;
  654. function OpcionalTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  655. begin
  656. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  657. end;
  659. procedure OpcionalTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  660. begin
  661. FFchHasta := Astring;
  662. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  663. end;
  665. function OpcionalTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  666. begin
  667. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  668. end;
  670. procedure FEAuthRequest.SetToken(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  671. begin
  672. FToken := Astring;
  673. FToken_Specified := True;
  674. end;
  676. function FEAuthRequest.Token_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  677. begin
  678. Result := FToken_Specified;
  679. end;
  681. procedure FEAuthRequest.SetSign(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  682. begin
  683. FSign := Astring;
  684. FSign_Specified := True;
  685. end;
  687. function FEAuthRequest.Sign_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  688. begin
  689. Result := FSign_Specified;
  690. end;
  692. procedure FECabResponse.SetFchProceso(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  693. begin
  694. FFchProceso := Astring;
  695. FFchProceso_Specified := True;
  696. end;
  698. function FECabResponse.FchProceso_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  699. begin
  700. Result := FFchProceso_Specified;
  701. end;
  703. procedure FECabResponse.SetResultado(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  704. begin
  705. FResultado := Astring;
  706. FResultado_Specified := True;
  707. end;
  709. function FECabResponse.Resultado_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  710. begin
  711. Result := FResultado_Specified;
  712. end;
  714. procedure FECabResponse.SetReproceso(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  715. begin
  716. FReproceso := Astring;
  717. FReproceso_Specified := True;
  718. end;
  720. function FECabResponse.Reproceso_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  721. begin
  722. Result := FReproceso_Specified;
  723. end;
  725. procedure CbteAsoc.SetCuit(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  726. begin
  727. FCuit := Astring;
  728. FCuit_Specified := True;
  729. end;
  731. function CbteAsoc.Cuit_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  732. begin
  733. Result := FCuit_Specified;
  734. end;
  736. procedure CbteAsoc.SetCbteFch(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  737. begin
  738. FCbteFch := Astring;
  739. FCbteFch_Specified := True;
  740. end;
  742. function CbteAsoc.CbteFch_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  743. begin
  744. Result := FCbteFch_Specified;
  745. end;
  747. procedure CbteTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  748. begin
  749. FDesc := Astring;
  750. FDesc_Specified := True;
  751. end;
  753. function CbteTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  754. begin
  755. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  756. end;
  758. procedure CbteTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  759. begin
  760. FFchDesde := Astring;
  761. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  762. end;
  764. function CbteTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  765. begin
  766. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  767. end;
  769. procedure CbteTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  770. begin
  771. FFchHasta := Astring;
  772. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  773. end;
  775. function CbteTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  776. begin
  777. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  778. end;
  780. procedure PtoVenta.SetEmisionTipo(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  781. begin
  782. FEmisionTipo := Astring;
  783. FEmisionTipo_Specified := True;
  784. end;
  786. function PtoVenta.EmisionTipo_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  787. begin
  788. Result := FEmisionTipo_Specified;
  789. end;
  791. procedure PtoVenta.SetBloqueado(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  792. begin
  793. FBloqueado := Astring;
  794. FBloqueado_Specified := True;
  795. end;
  797. function PtoVenta.Bloqueado_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  798. begin
  799. Result := FBloqueado_Specified;
  800. end;
  802. procedure PtoVenta.SetFchBaja(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  803. begin
  804. FFchBaja := Astring;
  805. FFchBaja_Specified := True;
  806. end;
  808. function PtoVenta.FchBaja_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  809. begin
  810. Result := FFchBaja_Specified;
  811. end;
  813. procedure DocTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  814. begin
  815. FDesc := Astring;
  816. FDesc_Specified := True;
  817. end;
  819. function DocTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  820. begin
  821. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  822. end;
  824. procedure DocTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  825. begin
  826. FFchDesde := Astring;
  827. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  828. end;
  830. function DocTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  831. begin
  832. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  833. end;
  835. procedure DocTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  836. begin
  837. FFchHasta := Astring;
  838. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  839. end;
  841. function DocTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  842. begin
  843. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  844. end;
  846. procedure ConceptoTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  847. begin
  848. FDesc := Astring;
  849. FDesc_Specified := True;
  850. end;
  852. function ConceptoTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  853. begin
  854. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  855. end;
  857. procedure ConceptoTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  858. begin
  859. FFchDesde := Astring;
  860. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  861. end;
  863. function ConceptoTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  864. begin
  865. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  866. end;
  868. procedure ConceptoTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  869. begin
  870. FFchHasta := Astring;
  871. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  872. end;
  874. function ConceptoTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  875. begin
  876. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  877. end;
  879. destructor FEDetRequest.Destroy;
  880. var
  881. I: Integer;
  882. begin
  883. for I := 0 to System.Length(FCbtesAsoc)-1 do
  884. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FCbtesAsoc[I]);
  885. System.SetLength(FCbtesAsoc, 0);
  886. for I := 0 to System.Length(FTributos)-1 do
  887. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FTributos[I]);
  888. System.SetLength(FTributos, 0);
  889. for I := 0 to System.Length(FIva)-1 do
  890. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FIva[I]);
  891. System.SetLength(FIva, 0);
  892. for I := 0 to System.Length(FOpcionales)-1 do
  893. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FOpcionales[I]);
  894. System.SetLength(FOpcionales, 0);
  895. for I := 0 to System.Length(FCompradores)-1 do
  896. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FCompradores[I]);
  897. System.SetLength(FCompradores, 0);
  898. inherited Destroy;
  899. end;
  901. procedure FEDetRequest.SetCbteFch(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  902. begin
  903. FCbteFch := Astring;
  904. FCbteFch_Specified := True;
  905. end;
  907. function FEDetRequest.CbteFch_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  908. begin
  909. Result := FCbteFch_Specified;
  910. end;
  912. procedure FEDetRequest.SetFchServDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  913. begin
  914. FFchServDesde := Astring;
  915. FFchServDesde_Specified := True;
  916. end;
  918. function FEDetRequest.FchServDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  919. begin
  920. Result := FFchServDesde_Specified;
  921. end;
  923. procedure FEDetRequest.SetFchServHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  924. begin
  925. FFchServHasta := Astring;
  926. FFchServHasta_Specified := True;
  927. end;
  929. function FEDetRequest.FchServHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  930. begin
  931. Result := FFchServHasta_Specified;
  932. end;
  934. procedure FEDetRequest.SetFchVtoPago(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  935. begin
  936. FFchVtoPago := Astring;
  937. FFchVtoPago_Specified := True;
  938. end;
  940. function FEDetRequest.FchVtoPago_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  941. begin
  942. Result := FFchVtoPago_Specified;
  943. end;
  945. procedure FEDetRequest.SetMonId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  946. begin
  947. FMonId := Astring;
  948. FMonId_Specified := True;
  949. end;
  951. function FEDetRequest.MonId_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  952. begin
  953. Result := FMonId_Specified;
  954. end;
  956. procedure FEDetRequest.SetCbtesAsoc(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfCbteAsoc: ArrayOfCbteAsoc);
  957. begin
  958. FCbtesAsoc := AArrayOfCbteAsoc;
  959. FCbtesAsoc_Specified := True;
  960. end;
  962. function FEDetRequest.CbtesAsoc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  963. begin
  964. Result := FCbtesAsoc_Specified;
  965. end;
  967. procedure FEDetRequest.SetTributos(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfTributo: ArrayOfTributo);
  968. begin
  969. FTributos := AArrayOfTributo;
  970. FTributos_Specified := True;
  971. end;
  973. function FEDetRequest.Tributos_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  974. begin
  975. Result := FTributos_Specified;
  976. end;
  978. procedure FEDetRequest.SetIva(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfAlicIva: ArrayOfAlicIva);
  979. begin
  980. FIva := AArrayOfAlicIva;
  981. FIva_Specified := True;
  982. end;
  984. function FEDetRequest.Iva_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  985. begin
  986. Result := FIva_Specified;
  987. end;
  989. procedure FEDetRequest.SetOpcionales(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfOpcional: ArrayOfOpcional);
  990. begin
  991. FOpcionales := AArrayOfOpcional;
  992. FOpcionales_Specified := True;
  993. end;
  995. function FEDetRequest.Opcionales_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  996. begin
  997. Result := FOpcionales_Specified;
  998. end;
  1000. procedure FEDetRequest.SetCompradores(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfComprador: ArrayOfComprador);
  1001. begin
  1002. FCompradores := AArrayOfComprador;
  1003. FCompradores_Specified := True;
  1004. end;
  1006. function FEDetRequest.Compradores_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1007. begin
  1008. Result := FCompradores_Specified;
  1009. end;
  1011. procedure Tributo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1012. begin
  1013. FDesc := Astring;
  1014. FDesc_Specified := True;
  1015. end;
  1017. function Tributo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1018. begin
  1019. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  1020. end;
  1022. destructor FEDetResponse.Destroy;
  1023. var
  1024. I: Integer;
  1025. begin
  1026. for I := 0 to System.Length(FObservaciones)-1 do
  1027. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FObservaciones[I]);
  1028. System.SetLength(FObservaciones, 0);
  1029. inherited Destroy;
  1030. end;
  1032. procedure FEDetResponse.SetCbteFch(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1033. begin
  1034. FCbteFch := Astring;
  1035. FCbteFch_Specified := True;
  1036. end;
  1038. function FEDetResponse.CbteFch_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1039. begin
  1040. Result := FCbteFch_Specified;
  1041. end;
  1043. procedure FEDetResponse.SetResultado(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1044. begin
  1045. FResultado := Astring;
  1046. FResultado_Specified := True;
  1047. end;
  1049. function FEDetResponse.Resultado_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1050. begin
  1051. Result := FResultado_Specified;
  1052. end;
  1054. procedure FEDetResponse.SetObservaciones(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfObs: ArrayOfObs);
  1055. begin
  1056. FObservaciones := AArrayOfObs;
  1057. FObservaciones_Specified := True;
  1058. end;
  1060. function FEDetResponse.Observaciones_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1061. begin
  1062. Result := FObservaciones_Specified;
  1063. end;
  1065. procedure FECAEDetResponse.SetCAE(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1066. begin
  1067. FCAE := Astring;
  1068. FCAE_Specified := True;
  1069. end;
  1071. function FECAEDetResponse.CAE_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1072. begin
  1073. Result := FCAE_Specified;
  1074. end;
  1076. procedure FECAEDetResponse.SetCAEFchVto(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1077. begin
  1078. FCAEFchVto := Astring;
  1079. FCAEFchVto_Specified := True;
  1080. end;
  1082. function FECAEDetResponse.CAEFchVto_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1083. begin
  1084. Result := FCAEFchVto_Specified;
  1085. end;
  1087. destructor FECAEASinMovConsResponse.Destroy;
  1088. var
  1089. I: Integer;
  1090. begin
  1091. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  1092. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  1093. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  1094. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1095. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1096. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1097. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1098. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1099. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1100. inherited Destroy;
  1101. end;
  1103. procedure FECAEASinMovConsResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfFECAEASinMov: ArrayOfFECAEASinMov);
  1104. begin
  1105. FResultGet := AArrayOfFECAEASinMov;
  1106. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1107. end;
  1109. function FECAEASinMovConsResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1110. begin
  1111. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1112. end;
  1114. procedure FECAEASinMovConsResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1115. begin
  1116. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1117. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1118. end;
  1120. function FECAEASinMovConsResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1121. begin
  1122. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1123. end;
  1125. procedure FECAEASinMovConsResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1126. begin
  1127. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1128. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1129. end;
  1131. function FECAEASinMovConsResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1132. begin
  1133. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1134. end;
  1136. procedure FECAEASinMov.SetCAEA(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1137. begin
  1138. FCAEA := Astring;
  1139. FCAEA_Specified := True;
  1140. end;
  1142. function FECAEASinMov.CAEA_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1143. begin
  1144. Result := FCAEA_Specified;
  1145. end;
  1147. procedure FECAEASinMov.SetFchProceso(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1148. begin
  1149. FFchProceso := Astring;
  1150. FFchProceso_Specified := True;
  1151. end;
  1153. function FECAEASinMov.FchProceso_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1154. begin
  1155. Result := FFchProceso_Specified;
  1156. end;
  1158. destructor FECAEAGet.Destroy;
  1159. var
  1160. I: Integer;
  1161. begin
  1162. for I := 0 to System.Length(FObservaciones)-1 do
  1163. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FObservaciones[I]);
  1164. System.SetLength(FObservaciones, 0);
  1165. inherited Destroy;
  1166. end;
  1168. procedure FECAEAGet.SetCAEA(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1169. begin
  1170. FCAEA := Astring;
  1171. FCAEA_Specified := True;
  1172. end;
  1174. function FECAEAGet.CAEA_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1175. begin
  1176. Result := FCAEA_Specified;
  1177. end;
  1179. procedure FECAEAGet.SetFchVigDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1180. begin
  1181. FFchVigDesde := Astring;
  1182. FFchVigDesde_Specified := True;
  1183. end;
  1185. function FECAEAGet.FchVigDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1186. begin
  1187. Result := FFchVigDesde_Specified;
  1188. end;
  1190. procedure FECAEAGet.SetFchVigHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1191. begin
  1192. FFchVigHasta := Astring;
  1193. FFchVigHasta_Specified := True;
  1194. end;
  1196. function FECAEAGet.FchVigHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1197. begin
  1198. Result := FFchVigHasta_Specified;
  1199. end;
  1201. procedure FECAEAGet.SetFchTopeInf(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1202. begin
  1203. FFchTopeInf := Astring;
  1204. FFchTopeInf_Specified := True;
  1205. end;
  1207. function FECAEAGet.FchTopeInf_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1208. begin
  1209. Result := FFchTopeInf_Specified;
  1210. end;
  1212. procedure FECAEAGet.SetFchProceso(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1213. begin
  1214. FFchProceso := Astring;
  1215. FFchProceso_Specified := True;
  1216. end;
  1218. function FECAEAGet.FchProceso_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1219. begin
  1220. Result := FFchProceso_Specified;
  1221. end;
  1223. procedure FECAEAGet.SetObservaciones(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfObs: ArrayOfObs);
  1224. begin
  1225. FObservaciones := AArrayOfObs;
  1226. FObservaciones_Specified := True;
  1227. end;
  1229. function FECAEAGet.Observaciones_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1230. begin
  1231. Result := FObservaciones_Specified;
  1232. end;
  1234. procedure FECAEADetResponse.SetCAEA(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1235. begin
  1236. FCAEA := Astring;
  1237. FCAEA_Specified := True;
  1238. end;
  1240. function FECAEADetResponse.CAEA_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1241. begin
  1242. Result := FCAEA_Specified;
  1243. end;
  1245. destructor FECAEAGetResponse.Destroy;
  1246. var
  1247. I: Integer;
  1248. begin
  1249. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1250. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1251. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1252. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1253. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1254. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1255. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet);
  1256. inherited Destroy;
  1257. end;
  1259. procedure FECAEAGetResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AFECAEAGet: FECAEAGet);
  1260. begin
  1261. FResultGet := AFECAEAGet;
  1262. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1263. end;
  1265. function FECAEAGetResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1266. begin
  1267. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1268. end;
  1270. procedure FECAEAGetResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1271. begin
  1272. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1273. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1274. end;
  1276. function FECAEAGetResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1277. begin
  1278. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1279. end;
  1281. procedure FECAEAGetResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1282. begin
  1283. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1284. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1285. end;
  1287. function FECAEAGetResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1288. begin
  1289. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1290. end;
  1292. destructor FECAEASinMovResponse.Destroy;
  1293. var
  1294. I: Integer;
  1295. begin
  1296. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1297. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1298. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1299. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1300. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1301. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1302. inherited Destroy;
  1303. end;
  1305. procedure FECAEASinMovResponse.SetResultado(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1306. begin
  1307. FResultado := Astring;
  1308. FResultado_Specified := True;
  1309. end;
  1311. function FECAEASinMovResponse.Resultado_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1312. begin
  1313. Result := FResultado_Specified;
  1314. end;
  1316. procedure FECAEASinMovResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1317. begin
  1318. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1319. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1320. end;
  1322. function FECAEASinMovResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1323. begin
  1324. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1325. end;
  1327. procedure FECAEASinMovResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1328. begin
  1329. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1330. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1331. end;
  1333. function FECAEASinMovResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1334. begin
  1335. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1336. end;
  1338. procedure TributoTipo.SetDesc(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1339. begin
  1340. FDesc := Astring;
  1341. FDesc_Specified := True;
  1342. end;
  1344. function TributoTipo.Desc_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1345. begin
  1346. Result := FDesc_Specified;
  1347. end;
  1349. procedure TributoTipo.SetFchDesde(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1350. begin
  1351. FFchDesde := Astring;
  1352. FFchDesde_Specified := True;
  1353. end;
  1355. function TributoTipo.FchDesde_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1356. begin
  1357. Result := FFchDesde_Specified;
  1358. end;
  1360. procedure TributoTipo.SetFchHasta(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1361. begin
  1362. FFchHasta := Astring;
  1363. FFchHasta_Specified := True;
  1364. end;
  1366. function TributoTipo.FchHasta_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1367. begin
  1368. Result := FFchHasta_Specified;
  1369. end;
  1371. destructor MonedaResponse.Destroy;
  1372. var
  1373. I: Integer;
  1374. begin
  1375. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  1376. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  1377. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  1378. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1379. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1380. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1381. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1382. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1383. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1384. inherited Destroy;
  1385. end;
  1387. procedure MonedaResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfMoneda: ArrayOfMoneda);
  1388. begin
  1389. FResultGet := AArrayOfMoneda;
  1390. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1391. end;
  1393. function MonedaResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1394. begin
  1395. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1396. end;
  1398. procedure MonedaResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1399. begin
  1400. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1401. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1402. end;
  1404. function MonedaResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1405. begin
  1406. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1407. end;
  1409. procedure MonedaResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1410. begin
  1411. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1412. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1413. end;
  1415. function MonedaResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1416. begin
  1417. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1418. end;
  1420. destructor FECotizacionResponse.Destroy;
  1421. var
  1422. I: Integer;
  1423. begin
  1424. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1425. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1426. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1427. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1428. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1429. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1430. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet);
  1431. inherited Destroy;
  1432. end;
  1434. procedure FECotizacionResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const ACotizacion: Cotizacion);
  1435. begin
  1436. FResultGet := ACotizacion;
  1437. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1438. end;
  1440. function FECotizacionResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1441. begin
  1442. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1443. end;
  1445. procedure FECotizacionResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1446. begin
  1447. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1448. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1449. end;
  1451. function FECotizacionResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1452. begin
  1453. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1454. end;
  1456. procedure FECotizacionResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1457. begin
  1458. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1459. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1460. end;
  1462. function FECotizacionResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1463. begin
  1464. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1465. end;
  1467. procedure Cotizacion.SetMonId(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1468. begin
  1469. FMonId := Astring;
  1470. FMonId_Specified := True;
  1471. end;
  1473. function Cotizacion.MonId_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1474. begin
  1475. Result := FMonId_Specified;
  1476. end;
  1478. procedure Cotizacion.SetFchCotiz(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1479. begin
  1480. FFchCotiz := Astring;
  1481. FFchCotiz_Specified := True;
  1482. end;
  1484. function Cotizacion.FchCotiz_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1485. begin
  1486. Result := FFchCotiz_Specified;
  1487. end;
  1489. destructor FETributoResponse.Destroy;
  1490. var
  1491. I: Integer;
  1492. begin
  1493. for I := 0 to System.Length(FResultGet)-1 do
  1494. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet[I]);
  1495. System.SetLength(FResultGet, 0);
  1496. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1497. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1498. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1499. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1500. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1501. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1502. inherited Destroy;
  1503. end;
  1505. procedure FETributoResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfTributoTipo: ArrayOfTributoTipo);
  1506. begin
  1507. FResultGet := AArrayOfTributoTipo;
  1508. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1509. end;
  1511. function FETributoResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1512. begin
  1513. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1514. end;
  1516. procedure FETributoResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1517. begin
  1518. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1519. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1520. end;
  1522. function FETributoResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1523. begin
  1524. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1525. end;
  1527. procedure FETributoResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1528. begin
  1529. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1530. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1531. end;
  1533. function FETributoResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1534. begin
  1535. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1536. end;
  1538. procedure DummyResponse.SetAppServer(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1539. begin
  1540. FAppServer := Astring;
  1541. FAppServer_Specified := True;
  1542. end;
  1544. function DummyResponse.AppServer_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1545. begin
  1546. Result := FAppServer_Specified;
  1547. end;
  1549. procedure DummyResponse.SetDbServer(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1550. begin
  1551. FDbServer := Astring;
  1552. FDbServer_Specified := True;
  1553. end;
  1555. function DummyResponse.DbServer_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1556. begin
  1557. Result := FDbServer_Specified;
  1558. end;
  1560. procedure DummyResponse.SetAuthServer(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1561. begin
  1562. FAuthServer := Astring;
  1563. FAuthServer_Specified := True;
  1564. end;
  1566. function DummyResponse.AuthServer_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1567. begin
  1568. Result := FAuthServer_Specified;
  1569. end;
  1571. destructor FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.Destroy;
  1572. var
  1573. I: Integer;
  1574. begin
  1575. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1576. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1577. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1578. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1579. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1580. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1581. inherited Destroy;
  1582. end;
  1584. procedure FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1585. begin
  1586. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1587. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1588. end;
  1590. function FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1591. begin
  1592. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1593. end;
  1595. procedure FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1596. begin
  1597. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1598. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1599. end;
  1601. function FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1602. begin
  1603. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1604. end;
  1606. destructor FERegXReqResponse.Destroy;
  1607. var
  1608. I: Integer;
  1609. begin
  1610. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1611. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1612. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1613. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1614. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1615. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1616. inherited Destroy;
  1617. end;
  1619. procedure FERegXReqResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1620. begin
  1621. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1622. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1623. end;
  1625. function FERegXReqResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1626. begin
  1627. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1628. end;
  1630. procedure FERegXReqResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1631. begin
  1632. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1633. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1634. end;
  1636. function FERegXReqResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1637. begin
  1638. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1639. end;
  1641. procedure Obs.SetMsg(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1642. begin
  1643. FMsg := Astring;
  1644. FMsg_Specified := True;
  1645. end;
  1647. function Obs.Msg_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1648. begin
  1649. Result := FMsg_Specified;
  1650. end;
  1652. procedure Evt.SetMsg(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1653. begin
  1654. FMsg := Astring;
  1655. FMsg_Specified := True;
  1656. end;
  1658. function Evt.Msg_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1659. begin
  1660. Result := FMsg_Specified;
  1661. end;
  1663. procedure Err.SetMsg(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1664. begin
  1665. FMsg := Astring;
  1666. FMsg_Specified := True;
  1667. end;
  1669. function Err.Msg_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1670. begin
  1671. Result := FMsg_Specified;
  1672. end;
  1674. destructor FECompConsultaResponse.Destroy;
  1675. var
  1676. I: Integer;
  1677. begin
  1678. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1679. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1680. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1681. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1682. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1683. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1684. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FResultGet);
  1685. inherited Destroy;
  1686. end;
  1688. procedure FECompConsultaResponse.SetResultGet(Index: Integer; const AFECompConsResponse: FECompConsResponse);
  1689. begin
  1690. FResultGet := AFECompConsResponse;
  1691. FResultGet_Specified := True;
  1692. end;
  1694. function FECompConsultaResponse.ResultGet_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1695. begin
  1696. Result := FResultGet_Specified;
  1697. end;
  1699. procedure FECompConsultaResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1700. begin
  1701. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1702. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1703. end;
  1705. function FECompConsultaResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1706. begin
  1707. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1708. end;
  1710. procedure FECompConsultaResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1711. begin
  1712. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1713. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1714. end;
  1716. function FECompConsultaResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1717. begin
  1718. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1719. end;
  1721. procedure FECAEADetRequest.SetCAEA(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1722. begin
  1723. FCAEA := Astring;
  1724. FCAEA_Specified := True;
  1725. end;
  1727. function FECAEADetRequest.CAEA_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1728. begin
  1729. Result := FCAEA_Specified;
  1730. end;
  1732. procedure FECAEADetRequest.SetCbteFchHsGen(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1733. begin
  1734. FCbteFchHsGen := Astring;
  1735. FCbteFchHsGen_Specified := True;
  1736. end;
  1738. function FECAEADetRequest.CbteFchHsGen_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1739. begin
  1740. Result := FCbteFchHsGen_Specified;
  1741. end;
  1743. destructor FECAEAResponse.Destroy;
  1744. var
  1745. I: Integer;
  1746. begin
  1747. for I := 0 to System.Length(FFeDetResp)-1 do
  1748. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeDetResp[I]);
  1749. System.SetLength(FFeDetResp, 0);
  1750. for I := 0 to System.Length(FEvents)-1 do
  1751. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FEvents[I]);
  1752. System.SetLength(FEvents, 0);
  1753. for I := 0 to System.Length(FErrors)-1 do
  1754. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FErrors[I]);
  1755. System.SetLength(FErrors, 0);
  1756. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeCabResp);
  1757. inherited Destroy;
  1758. end;
  1760. procedure FECAEAResponse.SetFeCabResp(Index: Integer; const AFECAEACabResponse: FECAEACabResponse);
  1761. begin
  1762. FFeCabResp := AFECAEACabResponse;
  1763. FFeCabResp_Specified := True;
  1764. end;
  1766. function FECAEAResponse.FeCabResp_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1767. begin
  1768. Result := FFeCabResp_Specified;
  1769. end;
  1771. procedure FECAEAResponse.SetFeDetResp(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfFECAEADetResponse: ArrayOfFECAEADetResponse);
  1772. begin
  1773. FFeDetResp := AArrayOfFECAEADetResponse;
  1774. FFeDetResp_Specified := True;
  1775. end;
  1777. function FECAEAResponse.FeDetResp_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1778. begin
  1779. Result := FFeDetResp_Specified;
  1780. end;
  1782. procedure FECAEAResponse.SetEvents(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfEvt: ArrayOfEvt);
  1783. begin
  1784. FEvents := AArrayOfEvt;
  1785. FEvents_Specified := True;
  1786. end;
  1788. function FECAEAResponse.Events_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1789. begin
  1790. Result := FEvents_Specified;
  1791. end;
  1793. procedure FECAEAResponse.SetErrors(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfErr: ArrayOfErr);
  1794. begin
  1795. FErrors := AArrayOfErr;
  1796. FErrors_Specified := True;
  1797. end;
  1799. function FECAEAResponse.Errors_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1800. begin
  1801. Result := FErrors_Specified;
  1802. end;
  1804. destructor FECompConsResponse.Destroy;
  1805. var
  1806. I: Integer;
  1807. begin
  1808. for I := 0 to System.Length(FObservaciones)-1 do
  1809. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FObservaciones[I]);
  1810. System.SetLength(FObservaciones, 0);
  1811. inherited Destroy;
  1812. end;
  1814. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetResultado(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1815. begin
  1816. FResultado := Astring;
  1817. FResultado_Specified := True;
  1818. end;
  1820. function FECompConsResponse.Resultado_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1821. begin
  1822. Result := FResultado_Specified;
  1823. end;
  1825. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetCodAutorizacion(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1826. begin
  1827. FCodAutorizacion := Astring;
  1828. FCodAutorizacion_Specified := True;
  1829. end;
  1831. function FECompConsResponse.CodAutorizacion_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1832. begin
  1833. Result := FCodAutorizacion_Specified;
  1834. end;
  1836. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetEmisionTipo(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1837. begin
  1838. FEmisionTipo := Astring;
  1839. FEmisionTipo_Specified := True;
  1840. end;
  1842. function FECompConsResponse.EmisionTipo_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1843. begin
  1844. Result := FEmisionTipo_Specified;
  1845. end;
  1847. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetFchVto(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1848. begin
  1849. FFchVto := Astring;
  1850. FFchVto_Specified := True;
  1851. end;
  1853. function FECompConsResponse.FchVto_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1854. begin
  1855. Result := FFchVto_Specified;
  1856. end;
  1858. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetFchProceso(Index: Integer; const Astring: string);
  1859. begin
  1860. FFchProceso := Astring;
  1861. FFchProceso_Specified := True;
  1862. end;
  1864. function FECompConsResponse.FchProceso_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1865. begin
  1866. Result := FFchProceso_Specified;
  1867. end;
  1869. procedure FECompConsResponse.SetObservaciones(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfObs: ArrayOfObs);
  1870. begin
  1871. FObservaciones := AArrayOfObs;
  1872. FObservaciones_Specified := True;
  1873. end;
  1875. function FECompConsResponse.Observaciones_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1876. begin
  1877. Result := FObservaciones_Specified;
  1878. end;
  1880. destructor FECAEARequest.Destroy;
  1881. var
  1882. I: Integer;
  1883. begin
  1884. for I := 0 to System.Length(FFeDetReq)-1 do
  1885. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeDetReq[I]);
  1886. System.SetLength(FFeDetReq, 0);
  1887. System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FFeCabReq);
  1888. inherited Destroy;
  1889. end;
  1891. procedure FECAEARequest.SetFeCabReq(Index: Integer; const AFECAEACabRequest: FECAEACabRequest);
  1892. begin
  1893. FFeCabReq := AFECAEACabRequest;
  1894. FFeCabReq_Specified := True;
  1895. end;
  1897. function FECAEARequest.FeCabReq_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1898. begin
  1899. Result := FFeCabReq_Specified;
  1900. end;
  1902. procedure FECAEARequest.SetFeDetReq(Index: Integer; const AArrayOfFECAEADetRequest: ArrayOfFECAEADetRequest);
  1903. begin
  1904. FFeDetReq := AArrayOfFECAEADetRequest;
  1905. FFeDetReq_Specified := True;
  1906. end;
  1908. function FECAEARequest.FeDetReq_Specified(Index: Integer): boolean;
  1909. begin
  1910. Result := FFeDetReq_Specified;
  1911. end;
  1913. initialization
  1914. { ServiceSoap }
  1915. InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'utf-8');
  1916. InvRegistry.RegisterDefaultSOAPAction(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/%operationName%');
  1917. InvRegistry.RegisterInvokeOptions(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), ioDocument);
  1918. { ServiceSoap.FECAESolicitar }
  1919. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAESolicitar', '',
  1920. '[ReturnName="FECAESolicitarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1921. { ServiceSoap.FECompTotXRequest }
  1922. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECompTotXRequest', '',
  1923. '[ReturnName="FECompTotXRequestResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1924. { ServiceSoap.FEDummy }
  1925. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEDummy', '',
  1926. '[ReturnName="FEDummyResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1927. { ServiceSoap.FECompUltimoAutorizado }
  1928. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECompUltimoAutorizado', '',
  1929. '[ReturnName="FECompUltimoAutorizadoResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1930. { ServiceSoap.FECompConsultar }
  1931. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECompConsultar', '',
  1932. '[ReturnName="FECompConsultarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1933. { ServiceSoap.FECAEARegInformativo }
  1934. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAEARegInformativo', '',
  1935. '[ReturnName="FECAEARegInformativoResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1936. { ServiceSoap.FECAEASolicitar }
  1937. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAEASolicitar', '',
  1938. '[ReturnName="FECAEASolicitarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1939. { ServiceSoap.FECAEASinMovimientoConsultar }
  1940. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAEASinMovimientoConsultar', '',
  1941. '[ReturnName="FECAEASinMovimientoConsultarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1942. { ServiceSoap.FECAEASinMovimientoInformar }
  1943. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAEASinMovimientoInformar', '',
  1944. '[ReturnName="FECAEASinMovimientoInformarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1945. { ServiceSoap.FECAEAConsultar }
  1946. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FECAEAConsultar', '',
  1947. '[ReturnName="FECAEAConsultarResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1948. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetCotizacion }
  1949. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetCotizacion', '',
  1950. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetCotizacionResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1951. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposTributos }
  1952. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposTributos', '',
  1953. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposTributosResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1954. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposMonedas }
  1955. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposMonedas', '',
  1956. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposMonedasResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1957. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposIva }
  1958. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposIva', '',
  1959. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposIvaResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1960. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposOpcional }
  1961. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposOpcional', '',
  1962. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposOpcionalResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1963. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposConcepto }
  1964. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposConcepto', '',
  1965. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposConceptoResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1966. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetPtosVenta }
  1967. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetPtosVenta', '',
  1968. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetPtosVentaResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1969. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposCbte }
  1970. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposCbte', '',
  1971. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposCbteResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1972. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposDoc }
  1973. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposDoc', '',
  1974. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposDocResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1975. { ServiceSoap.FEParamGetTiposPaises }
  1976. InvRegistry.RegisterMethodInfo(TypeInfo(ServiceSoap), 'FEParamGetTiposPaises', '',
  1977. '[ReturnName="FEParamGetTiposPaisesResult"]', IS_OPTN);
  1978. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfConceptoTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfConceptoTipo');
  1979. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfIvaTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfIvaTipo');
  1980. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfOpcionalTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfOpcionalTipo');
  1981. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfPtoVenta), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfPtoVenta');
  1982. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfDocTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfDocTipo');
  1983. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfPaisTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfPaisTipo');
  1984. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfCbteTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfCbteTipo');
  1985. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfComprador), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfComprador');
  1986. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfErr), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfErr');
  1987. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfFECAEDetResponse), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfFECAEDetResponse');
  1988. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfEvt), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfEvt');
  1989. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEResponse');
  1990. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEResponse), 'FeDetResp', '[ArrayItemName="FECAEDetResponse"]');
  1991. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  1992. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  1993. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(DocTipoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'DocTipoResponse');
  1994. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(DocTipoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="DocTipo"]');
  1995. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(DocTipoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  1996. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(DocTipoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  1997. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(CbteTipoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'CbteTipoResponse');
  1998. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(CbteTipoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="CbteTipo"]');
  1999. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(CbteTipoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2000. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(CbteTipoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2001. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FEPaisResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FEPaisResponse');
  2002. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPaisResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="PaisTipo"]');
  2003. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPaisResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2004. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPaisResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2005. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(OpcionalTipoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'OpcionalTipoResponse');
  2006. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(OpcionalTipoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="OpcionalTipo"]');
  2007. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(OpcionalTipoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2008. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(OpcionalTipoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2009. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(IvaTipoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'IvaTipoResponse');
  2010. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(IvaTipoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="IvaTipo"]');
  2011. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(IvaTipoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2012. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(IvaTipoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2013. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FEPtoVentaResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FEPtoVentaResponse');
  2014. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPtoVentaResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="PtoVenta"]');
  2015. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPtoVentaResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2016. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEPtoVentaResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2017. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(ConceptoTipoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ConceptoTipoResponse');
  2018. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(ConceptoTipoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="ConceptoTipo"]');
  2019. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(ConceptoTipoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2020. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(ConceptoTipoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2021. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfFECAEDetRequest), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfFECAEDetRequest');
  2022. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAERequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAERequest');
  2023. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAERequest), 'FeDetReq', '[ArrayItemName="FECAEDetRequest"]');
  2024. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Opcional, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Opcional');
  2025. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Moneda, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Moneda');
  2026. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(PaisTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'PaisTipo');
  2027. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(IvaTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'IvaTipo');
  2028. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(OpcionalTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'OpcionalTipo');
  2029. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FEAuthRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FEAuthRequest');
  2030. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECabRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECabRequest');
  2031. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAECabRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAECabRequest');
  2032. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECabResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECabResponse');
  2033. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAECabResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAECabResponse');
  2034. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(CbteAsoc, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'CbteAsoc');
  2035. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(CbteTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'CbteTipo');
  2036. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(PtoVenta, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'PtoVenta');
  2037. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(DocTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'DocTipo');
  2038. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(ConceptoTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ConceptoTipo');
  2039. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfTributo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfTributo');
  2040. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfAlicIva), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfAlicIva');
  2041. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfOpcional), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfOpcional');
  2042. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfCbteAsoc), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfCbteAsoc');
  2043. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FEDetRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FEDetRequest');
  2044. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetRequest), 'CbtesAsoc', '[ArrayItemName="CbteAsoc"]');
  2045. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetRequest), 'Tributos', '[ArrayItemName="Tributo"]');
  2046. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetRequest), 'Iva', '[ArrayItemName="AlicIva"]');
  2047. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetRequest), 'Opcionales', '[ArrayItemName="Opcional"]');
  2048. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetRequest), 'Compradores', '[ArrayItemName="Comprador"]');
  2049. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEDetRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEDetRequest');
  2050. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Tributo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Tributo');
  2051. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Comprador, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Comprador');
  2052. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(AlicIva, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'AlicIva');
  2053. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfObs), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfObs');
  2054. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FEDetResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FEDetResponse');
  2055. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FEDetResponse), 'Observaciones', '[ArrayItemName="Obs"]');
  2056. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEDetResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEDetResponse');
  2057. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfFECAEASinMov), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfFECAEASinMov');
  2058. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEASinMovConsResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEASinMovConsResponse');
  2059. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEASinMovConsResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="FECAEASinMov"]');
  2060. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEASinMovConsResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2061. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEASinMovConsResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2062. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEASinMov, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEASinMov');
  2063. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEAGet, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEAGet');
  2064. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAGet), 'Observaciones', '[ArrayItemName="Obs"]');
  2065. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfFECAEADetResponse), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfFECAEADetResponse');
  2066. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEADetResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEADetResponse');
  2067. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEAGetResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEAGetResponse');
  2068. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAGetResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2069. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAGetResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2070. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEASinMovResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEASinMovResponse');
  2071. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEASinMovResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2072. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEASinMovResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2073. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(TributoTipo, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'TributoTipo');
  2074. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfMoneda), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfMoneda');
  2075. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(MonedaResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'MonedaResponse');
  2076. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(MonedaResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="Moneda"]');
  2077. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(MonedaResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2078. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(MonedaResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2079. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfTributoTipo), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfTributoTipo');
  2080. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECotizacionResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECotizacionResponse');
  2081. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECotizacionResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2082. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECotizacionResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2083. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Cotizacion, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Cotizacion');
  2084. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FETributoResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FETributoResponse');
  2085. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FETributoResponse), 'ResultGet', '[ArrayItemName="TributoTipo"]');
  2086. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FETributoResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2087. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FETributoResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2088. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(DummyResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'DummyResponse');
  2089. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FERecuperaLastCbteResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FERecuperaLastCbteResponse');
  2090. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FERecuperaLastCbteResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2091. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FERecuperaLastCbteResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2092. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECompConsultaReq, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECompConsultaReq');
  2093. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FERegXReqResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FERegXReqResponse');
  2094. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FERegXReqResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2095. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FERegXReqResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2096. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Obs, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Obs');
  2097. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Evt, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Evt');
  2098. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(Err, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'Err');
  2099. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECompConsultaResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECompConsultaResponse');
  2100. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECompConsultaResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2101. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECompConsultaResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2102. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEADetRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEADetRequest');
  2103. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEAResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEAResponse');
  2104. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAResponse), 'FeDetResp', '[ArrayItemName="FECAEADetResponse"]');
  2105. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAResponse), 'Events', '[ArrayItemName="Evt"]');
  2106. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEAResponse), 'Errors', '[ArrayItemName="Err"]');
  2107. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEACabResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEACabResponse');
  2108. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSInfo(TypeInfo(ArrayOfFECAEADetRequest), 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'ArrayOfFECAEADetRequest');
  2109. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECompConsResponse, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECompConsResponse');
  2110. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECompConsResponse), 'Observaciones', '[ArrayItemName="Obs"]');
  2111. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEARequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEARequest');
  2112. RemClassRegistry.RegisterExternalPropName(TypeInfo(FECAEARequest), 'FeDetReq', '[ArrayItemName="FECAEADetRequest"]');
  2113. RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(FECAEACabRequest, 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.FEV1/', 'FECAEACabRequest');
  2115. end.

Pero al hacer lo siguiente:

  1. procedure TComprobante.envio(factura: IXMLDocument);
  2. var
  3. RIOFactura:THTTPRIO;
  5. content,expira,nodo:string;
  6. nodohijo,nodohijosign,startnode,startnodesign:IXMLNode;
  7. begin
  9. RIOFactura:=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
  10. with RIOFactura do
  11. begin
  12. WSDLLocation:='https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL';
  13. Port:='Service';
  14. Service:='ServiceSoap';
  16. end;
  19. XMLRESPUESTA:=NewXMLDocument;
  20. content:=(RIOFactura as serviceSoap).FECAESolicitar(factura);
  21. XMLRESPUESTA.XML.Text:=content;
  22. XMLRESPUESTA.Active:=True;
  23. XMLRESPUESTA.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'respuestafcxml.xml');
  27. end;

envio es un metodo que toma el xml como veran y quise enviarselo a FECAESolicitar y obviamente no coinciden los tipos.

Por lo que parece no debo armar un xml?? Debo crear todas las clases TRemotable? o hay otra manera de usar el componente HTTPRio para llamar al metodo?

  • 0

#2 giulichajari


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Posted 01 April 2020 - 05:08 PM

Hola amigos, para desarrollar factura electronica de AFIP, segun las especificaciones hay que mandar un archivo xml con los datos de la factura al webservice de AFIP.

Generara el xml ya lo he logrado, utilizando el data binding y el xsd.

El caso es que importe el servicio de homologacion con WSDL Importer:

  1. // ************************************************************************ //
  2. // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from the
  3. // WSDL File described below:
  4. // WSDL : https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL
  5. // >Import : https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL>0
  6. // Encoding : utf-8
  7. // Version : 1.0
  8. // (01/04/2020 19:48:54 - - $Rev: 93209 $)
  9. // ************************************************************************ //
  12. ServiceSoap = interface(IInvokable)
  13. ['{05274D74-5C3D-E536-980E-D9CE5D67F5D9}']
  14. function FECAESolicitar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCAEReq: FECAERequest): FECAEResponse; stdcall;
  15. function FECompTotXRequest(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FERegXReqResponse; stdcall;
  16. function FEDummy: DummyResponse; stdcall;
  17. function FECompUltimoAutorizado(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const PtoVta: Integer; const CbteTipo: Integer): FERecuperaLastCbteResponse; stdcall;
  18. function FECompConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCompConsReq: FECompConsultaReq): FECompConsultaResponse; stdcall;
  19. function FECAEARegInformativo(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const FeCAEARegInfReq: FECAEARequest): FECAEAResponse; stdcall;
  20. function FECAEASolicitar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const Periodo: Integer; const Orden: SmallInt): FECAEAGetResponse; stdcall;
  21. function FECAEASinMovimientoConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const CAEA: string; const PtoVta: Integer): FECAEASinMovConsResponse; stdcall;
  22. function FECAEASinMovimientoInformar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const PtoVta: Integer; const CAEA: string): FECAEASinMovResponse; stdcall;
  23. function FECAEAConsultar(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const Periodo: Integer; const Orden: SmallInt): FECAEAGetResponse; stdcall;
  24. function FEParamGetCotizacion(const Auth: FEAuthRequest; const MonId: string): FECotizacionResponse; stdcall;
  25. function FEParamGetTiposTributos(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FETributoResponse; stdcall;
  26. function FEParamGetTiposMonedas(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): MonedaResponse; stdcall;
  27. function FEParamGetTiposIva(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): IvaTipoResponse; stdcall;
  28. function FEParamGetTiposOpcional(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): OpcionalTipoResponse; stdcall;
  29. function FEParamGetTiposConcepto(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): ConceptoTipoResponse; stdcall;
  30. function FEParamGetPtosVenta(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FEPtoVentaResponse; stdcall;
  31. function FEParamGetTiposCbte(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): CbteTipoResponse; stdcall;
  32. function FEParamGetTiposDoc(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): DocTipoResponse; stdcall;
  33. function FEParamGetTiposPaises(const Auth: FEAuthRequest): FEPaisResponse; stdcall;
  34. end;

Pero al hacer lo siguiente:

  1. procedure TComprobante.envio(factura: IXMLDocument);
  2. var
  3. RIOFactura:THTTPRIO;
  5. content,expira,nodo:string;
  6. nodohijo,nodohijosign,startnode,startnodesign:IXMLNode;
  7. begin
  9. RIOFactura:=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
  10. with RIOFactura do
  11. begin
  12. WSDLLocation:='https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL';
  13. Port:='Service';
  14. Service:='ServiceSoap';
  16. end;
  19. XMLRESPUESTA:=NewXMLDocument;
  20. content:=(RIOFactura as serviceSoap).FECAESolicitar(factura);
  21. XMLRESPUESTA.XML.Text:=content;
  22. XMLRESPUESTA.Active:=True;
  23. XMLRESPUESTA.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'respuestafcxml.xml');
  27. end;

envio es un metodo que toma el xml como veran y quise enviarselo a FECAESolicitar y obviamente no coinciden los tipos.

Por lo que parece no debo armar un xml?? Debo crear todas las clases TRemotable? o hay otra manera de usar el componente HTTPRio para llamar al metodo?

  • 0

#3 egostar


    missing my father, I love my mother.

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Posted 03 April 2020 - 08:51 AM

Hola amigos, para desarrollar factura electronica de AFIP, segun las especificaciones hay que mandar un archivo xml con los datos de la factura al webservice de AFIP.

Generara el xml ya lo he logrado, utilizando el data binding y el xsd.

El caso es que importe el servicio de homologacion con WSDL Importer:

  1. ....

envio es un metodo que toma el xml como veran y quise enviarselo a FECAESolicitar y obviamente no coinciden los tipos.

Por lo que parece no debo armar un xml?? Debo crear todas las clases TRemotable? o hay otra manera de usar el componente HTTPRio para llamar al metodo?


Hola giulichajari


Lo que tienes que hacer es descargar el WSDL y todos los XSD del servicio web a un directorio de tu computadora y ajustar todas las rutas en los xml descargados y después realizar la importación del WSDL.


Con eso asegurarás que tienes acceso a las definiciones de los tipos de datos requeridos.




PD: Espero que todos estén bien así como sus familiares y amigos.

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#4 giulichajari


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Posted 05 April 2020 - 02:16 AM

Hola giulichajari


Lo que tienes que hacer es descargar el WSDL y todos los XSD del servicio web a un directorio de tu computadora y ajustar todas las rutas en los xml descargados y después realizar la importación del WSDL.


Con eso asegurarás que tienes acceso a las definiciones de los tipos de datos requeridos.




PD: Espero que todos estén bien así como sus familiares y amigos.

Gracias ego por estar ahi..Estamos mas que bien..Te comento que modifique el metodo envio haciendo uso de la creacion de clases y no obtengo ningun error pero no puedo obtener el cae,pero ya es un avance.(nose porque no registra la factura).

  1. procedure TComprobante.envio();
  2. var
  3. RIOFactura:THTTPRIO;
  4. CUITEmisor:string;
  5. hoy:TDate;
  6. request:FEAuthRequest;
  7. archivoini:TIniFile;
  8. cae:FECAERequest;
  9. content:FECAEResponse;
  10. FeDetResp:FECAEDetResponse;
  11. cabecera:FECAECabRequest;
  12. detalle:FECAEDetRequest;
  13. movimiento:ArrayOfFECAEDetRequest;
  14. error:ArrayOfErr;
  15. RioComp:THTTPRIO;
  16. responseUltCte:FERecuperaLastCbteResponse;
  17. resp:ArrayOfFECAEDetRequest;
  18. begin
  20. hoy:=StrToDate(FormatDateTime('yy/mm/dd',now));
  21. archivoini:=TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'caja.ini');
  22. CUITEmisor:= archivoini.ReadString('AFIP','CUIT','');
  23. //creamos objeto request
  24. request:=FEAuthRequest.Create;
  25. request.Token:=self.token;
  26. request.sign:=self.sign;
  27. request.Cuit:= StrToInt64(CUITEmisor);
  29. //obtenemos ultimo comprobante asociado.
  30. RioComp:=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
  31. with RIOComp do
  32. begin
  33. WSDLLocation:='https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL';
  34. Port:='ServiceSoap';
  35. Service:='Service';
  37. end;
  38. //objeto de respuesta
  39. responseUltCte:=FERecuperaLastCbteResponse.Create;
  40. //invocamos el metodo
  41. responseUltCte:=(RioComp as serviceSoap).FECompUltimoAutorizado(request,1,011);
  42. error:=responseUltCte.Errors;
  44. if error<>nil then
  45. begin
  46. ShowMessage(error[0].Msg);
  47. end;
  48. //creamos cabecera del comprobante
  49. cabecera:=FECAECabRequest.Create;
  50. cabecera.CantReg:=DataModule1.cdsticket.RecordCount;
  51. cabecera.PtoVta:=1;
  52. cabecera.CbteTipo:=011;
  53. //creamos el detalle
  54. detalle:=FECAEDetRequest.Create;
  55. detalle.Concepto:=1;
  56. detalle.DocTipo:=80;
  57. detalle.DocNro:=27204172418;
  58. detalle.CbteDesde:=responseUltCte.CbteNro + 1;
  60. detalle.CbteHasta:=responseUltCte.CbteNro + 1;
  61. detalle.CbteFch:=FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd',now);
  62. detalle.ImpTotal:=DataModule1.cdstickettotal.AsVariant;
  63. ShowMessage(FloatToStr(detalle.ImpTotal));
  64. detalle.ImpTotConc:=0;
  65. detalle.ImpNeto:=DataModule1.cdstickettotal.AsVariant;
  66. detalle.ImpOpEx:=0;
  67. detalle.ImpTrib:=0;
  68. detalle.ImpIVA:=0;
  69. detalle.FchVtoPago:=DateToStr(hoy);
  70. detalle.MonId:='PES';
  71. detalle.MonCotiz:=0;
  72. //movieminto
  73. SetLength(movimiento,1);
  74. movimiento[0]:=detalle;
  75. //creamos el objeto request
  76. cae:=FECAERequest.Create;
  78. //asignamos la cabecera
  79. cae.FeCabReq:=cabecera;
  80. cae.FeDetReq:=movimiento;
  81. content:=FECAEResponse.Create;
  82. //creamos objeto rio
  83. RIOFactura:=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
  84. with RIOFactura do
  85. begin
  86. WSDLLocation:='https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfev1/service.asmx?WSDL';
  87. Port:='ServiceSoap';
  88. Service:='Service';
  90. end;
  91. //invocamos el metodo
  92. content:=(RIOFactura as serviceSoap).FECAESolicitar(request,cae);
  94. if content.Errors<>nil then
  95. begin
  96. ShowMessage(content.Errors[0].Msg);
  97. end
  98. else
  99. begin
  100. ShowMessage(content.FeDetResp[0].CAE);
  101. end;
  107. end;

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#5 giulichajari


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Posted 07 April 2020 - 05:50 AM

Es decir.. Como veran evaluo si el array de errores contiene algo y no me devuelve nada entonces me muestra el showmessage del cae pero vacio.

Probe colocar mal un campo y me devuelve el error. Pero asi sin errores no registra la factura.

Enviado desde mi SNE-LX3 mediante Tapatalk
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#6 Delphius


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Posted 08 April 2020 - 09:01 AM

Es decir.. Como veran evaluo si el array de errores contiene algo y no me devuelve nada entonces me muestra el showmessage del cae pero vacio.

Probe colocar mal un campo y me devuelve el error. Pero asi sin errores no registra la factura.

Enviado desde mi SNE-LX3 mediante Tapatalk

No he usado nunca este componente, ni he tenido la oportunidad de estudiar el tema de la Factura Electrónica con la AFIP en Delphi.

Lo que me llama la atención es que estás intentando acceder a la posición 0 del vector FeDetResp. ¿Es realmente asi como debe accederse?


¿No es posible mostrar el contenido del Response entero para ver que te está devolviendo exactamente?



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#7 giulichajari


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Posted 16 April 2020 - 10:46 AM

No he usado nunca este componente, ni he tenido la oportunidad de estudiar el tema de la Factura Electrónica con la AFIP en Delphi.

Lo que me llama la atención es que estás intentando acceder a la posición 0 del vector FeDetResp. ¿Es realmente asi como debe accederse?


¿No es posible mostrar el contenido del Response entero para ver que te está devolviendo exactamente?



GraciasDelphius. Los arrays dinamicos se inicializan en 0. Seguramente debe haber un error en la confeccion de la factura pero no me lo dice cual es.

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#8 giulichajari


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Posted 20 April 2020 - 03:23 PM

Lo q no se es como obtener el xml del response a partir del codigo del wsdl importer.. O si queda en la maquina.

Enviado desde mi SNE-LX3 mediante Tapatalk
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#9 giulichajari


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 03:46 AM

Bueno finalmente encontre este thread:




Y logre visualizar el response utilizando el evento afterexecute del componente RIO, la fecha de vto de pago no debe informarse para concepto 1. Solo es para 2 y 3.

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#10 egostar


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 09:53 AM

Bueno finalmente encontre este thread:




Y logre visualizar el response utilizando el evento afterexecute del componente RIO, la fecha de vto de pago no debe informarse para concepto 1. Solo es para 2 y 3.


Que bien que has podido obtener el RESPONSE. Efectivamente, con eso lo que haces es cachar el REQUEST y el RESPONSE en forma "pura" por decirlo de alguna manera. Lo raro es que no puedas obtener la información desde la clase que se implementa. 



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