[TRUCO DELPHI] Verificar las Teclas Shift, Ctrl y Alt.
function CtrlDown : Boolean; var State : TKeyboardState; begin GetKeyboardState(State); Result := ((State[vk_Control] And 128) <> 0); end; function ShiftDown : Boolean; var State : TKeyboardState; begin GetKeyboardState(State); Result := ((State[vk_Shift] and 128) <> 0); end; function AltDown : Boolean; var State : TKeyboardState; begin GetKeyboardState(State); Result := ((State[vk_Menu] and 128) <> 0); end;
Ejemplo de uso:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ShiftDown then Form1.Caption := 'Shift' else Form1.Caption := 'No Shift'; end;