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Stay on top of the new release EntityDAC for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

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#1 JordanS


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Escrito 18 octubre 2021 - 05:20

Devart presented a new version of EntityDAC 3.0 with support for the latest RAD Studio 11 Alexandria. 


Devart, a recognized vendor of world-class data connectivity solutions for various data connection technologies and frameworks, announced the release of Entity DAC 3.0 with support of the new RAD Studio 11 Alexandria. The other significant update is support for Apple Silicon M1. 


The key features of the new release: 


  1. The new version of EntityDAC is available for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria.


  1. EntityDAC 3.0 supports ARM processors - Apple Silicone M1.


To learn more about the recent release, visit:


EntityDAC is an ORM tool for Delphi and C++ Builder that provides advanced object-relational mapping capabilities for database applications. The product offers visual ORM designer and supports common approaches to database application development (database-first, mobile-first, and code-first), LINQ queries, caching of entities loaded from the database, metadata, and more.


About Devart 


Devart is one of the leading developers of database tools and administration software, ALM solutions, data providers for various database servers, data integration, and backup solutions. The company also implements Web and Mobile development projects. 

For additional information about Devart, visit


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